Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1460: Scale fish

"I'm very interested in this thing, but I'm a little urgent now. General Lengjiao, right? After I get back from the work, let's talk about it in detail."

Wang Mang patted the thick arm of General Lengjiao with interest, and turned to the long eye on the side and said, "Long eye, you take me to find a monster beast to practice hand skills."

Hearing the words with long eyes, there was a hint of delight at the corners of his mouth. He glanced provocatively at the cold corner beside him, and replied with a warm smile: "Okay, Brother Wang Mang, let's go now."

The long eye waved with one hand, creating a large, round and transparent air diaphragm. Wang Mang burrowed in, and the right hand of the long eye was slightly.

After his body entered the diaphragm, his open right hand squeezed suddenly, and the huge diaphragm flew in a certain direction like a galloping meteor along the undercurrent in the sea.

Even though the speed of the diaphragm has broken through the sound barrier, the inside of the diaphragm is exceptionally stable, with long eyes curiously approaching Wang Mang and asking, "Brother Wang Mang, are you looking for a monster to practice your hand? Is it Tier 6 strength?"

Wang Mang nodded, "The sixth-order strength is the best. It would be better if there were monster beasts that move on the coast." "Can monsters move on land?"

With long eyes murmured, he couldn't help but frown. There were not many monsters in the seabed that refused to accept the rule of the Dragon King, but there were always a few, but if you can move on land and have Tier VI strength, you can’t. See you more.

Long eyes groaned a little, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands and shouted excitedly: "Brother Wang Mang, don't tell me, I really thought of a monster like this. It was originally a head with thin wings that could jump out of the water. The scaly fish, after transforming into shape, often stay on the coast."

"Brother Wang Mang, if you deal with that scaly fish, I will be responsible for driving it to the coast. It is absolutely not a problem to deal with it with your strength, Brother Wang Mang."

"That's it!" Wang Mang smiled lightly. It is best to not fight under the sea. Although he can hold his breath for a long time, after all, his human body is greatly restricted in the deep sea. It can't be displayed perfectly in the bottom of the sea.

If you deal with a monster beast on land, even with the sixth-order strength, he is sure to smash that monster beast into a pile of pulpy minced meat within three minutes.

With the long-eyed ability to control the seawater, the speed of the diaphragm he drove became more and more terrifying, but in two or three minutes, he saw a vast coastline.

On the rugged coast of the strange reef, the plump marine fish used thick fins to move the body like a baby elephant to the golden sand, rolling and basking in the sun comfortably.

In the sea water thousands of meters away from the coast, the long eyes controlled the diaphragm to rise to the surface. Suddenly, the long eyes grinned at the mouth opener, pointing to the front and let out a laugh: "Heh, there is no need to look for that scaly fish. On the cliff!"

Wang Mang followed the direction of his fingers and saw a bulge of fangs, his eyes were like two blood beads, his whole body scales were like blades, and a pair of broad silver-finned strange fishes. The strange fish looked like the king of the coast, looking down on the beach. That one is stupid and fat fish.

"Looking at the look of this scaly fish, it really looks like a demon king!"

Wang Mang couldn't help but squinted his eyes, looking at the scaly fish that exposed his body, the high desire to fight in his heart suddenly arose. Later, how many punches would the head of the scaly fish be smashed? !

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