Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1464: Mad

Wang Mang played with the silver demon pill the size of a fist with one hand, and his body with his armor removed was sitting on a smooth reef. He frowned and stared at the demon pill without the slightest focus of his pupils. At this time, he was thinking. A message just came from the Ring of Doom!

Another medium-sized gathering place has rebelled! This time it was not captured by other forces! It was the rebellion that the city lord had promised by those cultivators and took the initiative! Publicly announced that he would withdraw from the Human Alliance and join the Penglai True Sect!

It has been half a year since the establishment of the Human Alliance, and the time and space channels extending in all directions are spreading across all the gathering places in China. What benefit did this rebellious city lord get? They gave up the huge benefits of mutual exchange, and even took the initiative to cut off the connection between the space-time channels.

Wang Mang couldn't help but squinted his eyes. This group of cultivators really became more cunning. They are actively disintegrating the Human Alliance, which is not a rigorous organization. Their activities for the past six months have been really fruitful!

North China was basically occupied, and the big city with only a few committee members remained in isolation, while the ghosts and rebels running around in the south were really like a group of mad dogs, and they would take a bite when they saw the meat!

Wang Mang played with the demon pill in his hand, and finally made up his mind. He is now enough to make up for the lack of mankind’s top combat power. The number of direct line troops trained in Gushan City has also exceeded 30,000. As for the worm group, this is hidden. The huge power in the dark is not yet time to emerge!

Wang Mang stood up from the smooth reef and looked at Longeye with great power, "Brother Longeye, what constraints do you have when fighting on land? Or is there any inconvenience?!"

The long eyes heard the seriousness in Wang Mang's tone, and his face also showed a serious look, "Brother Wang Mang, don't worry, as long as it's not a life-threatening situation, the water vapor in the air is enough to support my high-intensity fighting!"

"Brother Long-Eyed, you go back and tell Lord Dragon King that I am going to launch the first counter-charge attack against that group of invaders! I hope you can second some generals who can fight on land to me!"

Wang Mang's lowered right hand couldn't help but grasp it. He who had never entered the Hualong Pond was still a little hesitant to face the entire elite of the cultivators, but at this time he was covered with steel and iron, the sword was hard to damage half a silk, and his physical strength was nearly 500 tons. , A pair of extremely hard Luoluo armor covering his body!

Don't say it is an elite group of cultivators, even if the Penglai immortal came in person, he also had the courage to fight!

"Brother Wang Mang, I will report to Lord Dragon King!" Long-eyed knew the anxiety in Wang Mang's heart, and without delay, he turned and leaped into the sea suddenly, disappearing in no time.

Wang Mang looked at the direction in which the long eyes disappeared, slowly raised his right hand, and said coldly to the final ring on the index finger:

"Let the fifty-person superpower team immediately assemble! In addition, all the committee members are notified to send their bravest subordinates to do a good job of raiding the hinterland of the cultivators!"

Wang Mang really made a big deal this time! He wanted this group of practitioners to see how terrifying the existence of the supernatural powers they survived from life to death!

Wang Mang ordered the notifications one after another. In the dark dungeon, thousands of people covered in black clothes and white masks all stood up.

They talked with a little excitement. The leader was holding a steel sword, and the expressionless snow-white mask was a bit infiltrating, and only the exposed eyes were filled with crazily blood red.

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