Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1465: Raid

Since the establishment of the Human Alliance, Wang Mang, who has accumulated for half a year, has quite a lot of cards in his hand. This raid is both a revenge and a temptation. What level is the cultivator's highest combat power?

If you are against yourself, what is the chance of success for both sides? ..... These relatively obscure data will never be known through intelligence inquiries. Only through a fight of life and death with a knife and blood can we have a more intuitive understanding!

Wang Mang stood alone on the cliff about one hundred meters high with his hands on his back. The turbulent waves hit the reef, making a screaming sound for three days! Three days later, it was the day when he launched a surprise attack on the hinterland of the cultivator!


"Brother! We're going to get into our nest this time!" The young man with a white mask on his face and crazy jokes in his exposed eyes said to a back urn in front of him.

At this moment, he was a little bit of unknown excitement, and became a knife in Wang Mang's hands. When he killed the same door for the first time, he still had a trace of guilt and anxiety in his heart.

But later, he saw the arrogant colleagues lingering under his sword, crying for mercy, that feeling was really ecstatic, and he was so refreshed!

When the generous back heard these words, his slow footsteps suddenly stopped, and he suddenly turned around, his bloodshot wolf eyes staring at the vocal young man.

"Pop!" A fierce slap suddenly hit his face! "Don't say what you shouldn't! I feel sick when I hear what you said!"

"Yes! Brother!" The young man who was slapped suddenly lowered his head quickly, not daring to refute, the leader with red eyes slowly turned around, and the bloodshot eyes seemed to be more bloodshot.

He was originally the top and most anticipated disciple of the inner sect in the sect, but now he is like a puddle of mud!

The growing sense of guilt and countless hideous faces of fellow students who died under the knife made him suddenly awakened when he was asleep in the dead of night, and he began to become anxious and insomniac.

The immense pressure made him only vent through more brutal killings, maybe by killing all these familiar fellows, he could sleep well.

"Brother! There are already 23 people who have died under my hand! We have also sacrificed hundreds of people with this knife.

To put it bluntly, I hope that this time we will kill all the people of our sect. This kind of feeling of being in the same family is really bad. I hope this raid can be done once and for all. "

Another powerful young man couldn't help but murmured, and the leader with red eyes glanced at him, his hoarse voice was extremely harsh: "Yes! I will! Let me know! This raid is always about the disciples of Shuibomen. , No matter the inner door or the outer door, even the handyman will be killed for me!!"

A big city closest to the hinterland of the cultivator, the middle-aged city lord with a thin body and bandages on his cheeks was accompanied by Wang Mang, habitually scanning the powerful abilities in the square with a dark look.

They were not soldiers. They were only covered with a layer of soft armor. The outside was tightly bound with dark tights. Even the top of their heads and faces were wrapped in black cloth. Only a pair of eyes remained outside!

A team of only fifty people in total, but the superimposed aura is more terrifying than a hundred warriors from the battlefield. This team is the arrow of this raid!

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