Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1468: Weeping Soul

The blood horse, whose brain was almost shattered by a punch, was not dead. It just snorted in pain, and spit out a sticky blood from his chest and abdomen.

When Wang Mang's fist power disappeared, his figure moved to another corner in the air. His rotten flesh-like face gradually healed and scabs, and new tender flesh appeared like bamboo shoots.

The crooked skull cracks were closed and glued in just a few seconds, and the deadly injury seemed to have not been manifested on the blood horse.

It's like..... Wang Mang's punch of thousands of tons hit a piece of hard memory alloy! Although it caused a little dent, it seemed innocuous.

The blood horse panted slightly. After all the injuries on his head were recovered, his pale face looked a little better. It is not too difficult for his 120 years of pure internal strength to recover from his injuries, but Wang Mang just punched him. It cost him a lot of precious blood!

If you don’t have it, you can practice again, but the essence of life is the essence of life. The more you consume, the shorter your life span and the worse your constitution! Even if it recovers later, the life span that can be lost and the fallen physique cannot be changed.

"Who on earth are you?! There is even a strong man like you among humans!" The blood horse stared at Wang Mang suspiciously, and a bold thought came to his mind.

This wouldn't be a powerhouse in another world who came out of a crack in time and space. The power of a punch is enough to shake the mountain and the sea. This level of physical attack can't even be done by the immortal Penglai.

"Haha!" Facing the question of the blood horse, Wang Mang didn't have the habit of answering kindly, so he sneered twice.

In various areas under the city, the sounds of fighting, begging for mercy, and the painful and stern roars of countless cultivators can be heard clearly in mid-air. The blood horse squinted his eyes and looked down at the city. Then he folded his hands together, closed his eyes suddenly, and again. Suddenly opened!

The original pair of normal eyes with black pupils and white background became infiltrating like zombies in this short moment when the eyes were closed and the eyes opened. The pupils were dark and the size became like mung beans, just the ones in the eyes. But the killing intent became more intense, "Divine Art: The Soul of Weeping Blood!"

"Jie--!" A pair of blood horse eyes suddenly dripped with scarlet blood and tears, one laughed and cried from time to time, and a ghost with an extremely distorted face crawled out of his eyes.

The deformed and ugly limbs resemble the skinny shape of a kappa, but the fangs in the big mouth are huge and hideous that don't fit the shape!

"Roar--!" The tyrannical and bloodthirsty ghost roared at Wang Mang, his legs slammed into the air, like a hyena hunting for food, leaping in a frantic roar!

"Inferior! It's time for you to perform!" Wang Mang said coldly. The tattoo on his left arm instantly emitted a large black mist through the armor.

The condensed human form looked arrogantly at the evil spirit that swooped in, sneered with disdain, and waved his hand, and the evil spirit was enveloped in the prison of pain!

The boundless pain, the black weapons that filled the entire sky, all the cultivators fighting in the city, the wounds on their bodies, and the anger of death from the same family all gave rise to the purest feeling of pain.

Like a hundred streams returning to the sea, over the city of cultivators, the black mist is superimposed by countless painful emotions, and it becomes deeper and wider!

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