Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1469: Kill all

The pain provided by countless cultivators in the city seems to be the most joyful tonic of Wujian. The human-shaped body is becoming more and more lifelike, even the hair and nails have become indistinguishable from human beings. His appearance and height have become exactly the same as Wang Mang. The only difference may be that showing aura.

Wang Mang's aura is as thick and majestic as a continuous mountain, and the aura that he exudes is as vicious and infiltrating as his pair of gloomy eyes!

The evil spirit summoned by the blood horse using the forbidden technique was trapped in a cage condensed by the dark mist, and the big mouth that looked like an evil spirit gnawed frantically on the railings of the cage.

But no matter how hard it was, the endless black mist in mid-air only made up for the few dents he had bitten in an instant!

"Jie--!" The thin, fangs evil spirit with red eyes, perhaps found that biting the cage is useless, it became more and more crazy, like a black ball from its throat like a cannonball It shoots violently, and stabs it straight to Wu Jian's forehead!

"Small bugs! Unbearable!" With a sneer, he raised his right hand with a light wave, and the black mist that enveloped the air immediately covered a large area in front of him.

The small black ball was consumed and extinguished silently in the mist filled with all kinds of distorted and hideous faces, without making any sound.

The blood horse with two drops of blood and tears from its eyelids looked at the evil spirit like a trapped beast, gritted his teeth in his heart, and the mung bean-sized pupils shrank again.

His gray-white pupils can no longer see the pupils at all at this moment, and his flexible fingers connected several complicated tactics, and a terrifying force that changed the color of the heavens and the earth radiated from his body!

Wang Mang hugged his hands and hovered, quietly looking at the blood horse that was increasing in momentum. He was not a fool, but at the moment he just watched the enemy in front of him become stronger. He couldn't help but squinted his eyes, even though the blood horse's aura had caused the air around him to make a series of squeezing explosions, he still didn't move the slightest!

For this blood horse, the self-confidence in his heart is extremely sufficient. What worries him most is that Penglai, who has never met before, but is called the so-called immortal, is an immortal.

This group of cultivators is still very clear about their strengths. What kind of strength is Penglai, who can be called immortals by everyone? !

Wang Mang's eyelids drooped slightly. He didn't know, but the unknown is often the most terrifying. I hope this blood horse with explosive potential can make him adapt to the indispensable battle with the Penglai immortal in the future.

"I admit that you are very strong, but our cultivators are not muddled. I am dead today, and I will break the flesh and blood of you and disperse my soul and soul!!"

The blood horse roared and pointed a single point. The terrifying weight was like a bullet flying towards Wang Mang. It was not just a bullet. The blood horse made hundreds of attacks in just a moment. Many, the power of each Dao is so amazing!

The posture of Wang Mang holding his hands slightly changed, his left hand arched slowly, the muscles full of power and beauty rose up, carrying a thousand tons of huge force to directly smash the space in front of him!

The twisted space-time cracks gradually healed, and the hundreds of fingers that swiftly shot towards Wang Mang were mostly destroyed by the time-space cracks. When the remaining shots came in front of Wang Mang's eyes, he just waved his hand and destroyed them all!

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