Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1479: The decision of the traitor

"Puff—Puff!" The dripping blood burst out one after another, and this secret room under a ruined building was like a purgatory in less than a moment.

In the hands of this group of traitors who were accustomed to killing, more than two dozen extremely potential outer disciples were led by the sharp blade owl before they even pinched the magic formula.

The one who knows you best will always be your enemy, and the traitors among this group of cultivators are even the best among the enemies. They are very familiar with the way they fight in the same family, but these cultivators will not be able to resist if they are cut with a sharp edge.

"Let's go! Next location!" The leading cultivator with bloodshot eyes, coldly glanced at the scene of the secret room full of blood and blood, and then rushed to the next battlefield with the man in black.

"There are at least 30,000 cultivators still alive in this city. It's not a surrender. There must be 20,000 people hiding in every corner of the city, killing them all, and destroying the core formation under the castle. No one can know the identity of our traitor."

"No! Don't you understand the truth about the death of the cunning rabbit and the lackey cooking?! The core formation cannot be completely destroyed, at least half of the formation spirit stones are left.

With an undamaged formation, our school will continue to send people over in the future. Once there are no invaders in this world, what role do we have? ! "

The leading cultivator with bloodshot eyes, pulled a sharp dagger from the throat of a handsome and extraordinary disciple of the inner door in his hand, and the dagger with blood foam kept dripping blood on the ground, the inner door The handsome face on the disciple's body also added a bit of cold blue.

He picked up the loose robe on the inner disciple, wiped the blood-stained dagger clean, and then inserted it into the scabbard around his waist.

He looked around, a group of swords stained with blood, the black-clothed men with madness in their eyes were looking at him, his sharp eyes swept everyone's eyes, and he said again:

"We are all traitors, once, and always will be. We have incomparable use value on the human side, so we people can still be regarded as a good knife.

But this knife will always be cut to our fellow door, once the enemy disappears, the knife will be worthless! You all think about it. "

After he finished speaking, he looked at his group of subordinates with thoughtful eyes. It was clear in his heart that these subordinates had gone through this high-intensity massacre, and all their moral values, views of honor and disgrace were completely destroyed.

They deny themselves as cultivators, and they can only get rid of all those who know the details, so that they can get a good night's sleep.

But who doesn't want this? He has been in the middle of the night for more than half a month. He was awakened in a dream. The long time pressure made him suffer from painful mental torture. Because of the sore eyes caused by insomnia, he can still hold on to it, but not everyone He has such a strong willpower.

This group of tortured and painful subordinates want to solve this burden in their hearts once and for all, but this is impossible!

Once there are no such invading fellows, their value as a ‘knife’ will be completely lost. He knows the strength of the human alliance, and the scale of thousands of people cannot make any waves under their huge size.

The cultivator with bloodshot eyes slowly closed his eyes, and commanded in a cold voice: "Go to solve the formation first. After this action is over, I will propose that Wang Mang send us to another continent in this world!"

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