Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1480: Burdened white sleep

The three days of extinction of humanity passed in a flash, and everyone who survived in the City of Practitioners was bound by a heavy iron handcuffs and tied their hands behind their waists.

The distance between the two hands is at least 30 inches, so that none of them can pinch the magic tricks. Some practitioners who know how to breathe magic spells are especially taken care of, and there is a large group of rags directly in their mouths.

Standing at the top of a castle at the highest point in the city, Bai Jue frowned and looked at the densely packed prisoners on the square, almost 23,000 cultivators.

However, the total number of inner disciples and outer disciples is more than 400, and the rest are worthless or low-powered servants.

These servants who were born with an intruder hat may be because of their low value. Bai Jue directly ordered them to be sent to the mine. The mining area under Liu Jian's jurisdiction is short of manpower. With more than 20,000 people, I am afraid The production efficiency of weapons and armors has to be increased several times.

"These outer disciples and inner disciples were escorted to Gushan City and killed directly!" Bai Jue said coldly to a dozen people in black behind him. Immediately, the two teams wore loose robes with sad faces and despair in their eyes. The cultivator of was escorted by a dozen people in black and walked towards the passage of time and space.

In addition to Wang Mang's direct line of troops in the city, more than 40,000 elite soldiers under the various committee members were like ants eating away, frantically sweeping all kinds of secret rooms and cells in the city.

Facing this group of invaders, they are really as fierce as wolves to lambs. Sometimes when they enter the secret room to search for wealth, they don’t notify the cultivator, and they just wield a knife and slash. If their strength is inadequate, they will flee like a fox. Screaming for support.

But that's okay, if Wang Mang's direct line troops alone were in charge of everything in a huge city, Bai Jue's work would be much easier with these red-eyed ‘hyenas’.

He looked at the bustling square and exhaled a long breath. This raid should be considered a complete success. The only stronghold of the invaders was pulled out, and most of the practitioners were captured and killed. Fish..... The impact on the world structure is also minimal.

After the cultivator's problem is solved, there will be those traitors left! The gathering place for rebellion and rebellion must be punished! Their city lord will be punished by the most severe sanctions by the Human Alliance!

Just as Bai Jue squinted his ruthless eyes, a fist-sized black mist suddenly emerged from the air beside him, "Bai Jue, the master is already awake, come here!"


Bai Jue replied solemnly, and tens of thousands of soldiers patrolled the square with grim faces, humming, and a few of them punched the prisoners.

These hands were tied behind the waist, and the cultivators whose eyes were full of despair were already a group of walking corpses, unable to make any waves. Bai Jue took a cold look and then turned and left.

In a small wooden house with three stoves lit, Wang Mang’s lips were pale, his cheeks were blue, and the eye sockets on his face were sunken. He looked like a dying person. His bright eyes were not shining sharply, but a little muddy and dim. , He was deeply sunk in the bed, his eyelids drooped and a little sleepy.

'Crunch——' The door of the wooden house was slowly pushed open, and Bai Jue, who was filled with worry between his eyebrows, stepped in. He looked at Wang Mang on the bed with his eyes, and he couldn't help being surprised. What kind of harm was it? , So that the owner was so severely affected? !

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