Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1481: curse

Wang Mang's current mental outlook is unimaginably bad. If he were not carefully observed, he would not even be able to see that this man lying on the bed, like a dying and aging patient, was the strongest man in the world-Wang Mang.

But this is the fact, Bai Jue was shocked, and hurried to the edge of the bed, standing next to Wang Mang’s pillow and whispering, "Master, what's wrong with you?!"

Wang Mang's drooping eyelids slowly opened a little. He tilted his head and looked at Baijue by the bed. He couldn't help sighing. His throat that hadn't been opened for a long time was a bit dry, and his voice was also hoarse. , "Help me sit up and light me another cigarette by the way."

Bai Jue nodded and put Wang Mang on the bed. He took a clear glass from the coffee table and poured a cup of warm water from the kettle. He first handed the tea cup to Wang Mang, "Master, you drink your saliva first."

Wang Mang didn't care either, nodded, and stretched out his right hand to take the glass. He drank the warm water in the cup, and Bai Jue also lit a cigarette with his heart and passed it to Wang Mang.

Wang Mang held the cigarette holder, took a deep breath, and exhaled a big cloud of turbid smoke. After his expression relaxed a little, he opened his mouth and said: "When I was fighting with the blood horse, my whole body was broken and my soul was severely injured.

Alas... What surprised me most was that the blood horse seemed to have cast a curse on me, my body could no longer adjust the power, and my mental state was much worse than before..."

"Bai Jue, can you help me see what my current ranking is on the human combat power rankings?"

Bai Jue stroked the glasses on the bridge of his nose, took out a golden card from the storage ring, tapped it twice, and a huge light screen appeared.

Among them, Wang Hu, Liu Ying, Zhang Lan and others have been on the list, and they are among the top ten most powerful. There are at least 20 or 30 powerful abilities in the worm group, but... ....

But the shining, most dazzling name was replaced by a strange foreigner...the throne with the strongest human combat power has changed hands!

Wang Mang looked at the light curtain with a hint of what he expected, while Bai Jue frowned, and his mood became extremely bad for the change of Wang Mang's name.

"Master, the decline in your combat power ranks does it mean that your body cannot recover in a short period of time?"

"Yes, it's almost like this. In addition to my body being imprisoned, my vitality seems to be passing slowly, very slowly, but I can clearly feel that before the blood horse is dying, I said I will die?! Haha , Maybe this unknown curse is the honor of his words."

Wang Mang's tone was three-point contempt, and he didn't feel the collapse of suffering a major blow. It was just that he couldn't use the power of his body as strong as a Titan, but his abilities were not restrained. His natural ability was a bug master.

Bai Jue is far from Wang Mang's calmness. His tone was a little anxious, with a hint of urgency on his face, "Master, I immediately secretly organize the talents in the Human Alliance to crack the curse. The curse left by the cultivator must be broken."

Wang Mang could understand Bai Jue's anxious state of mind. After he pondered for a moment, he nodded slightly, "You can arrange this. My current physical condition is really inappropriate to show up."

"Understood, Master!" The information that Bai Jue wanted to report when he first came was completely disrupted by Wang Mang's sudden news. He was using the Ring of Doom to coldly notify several senior cadres of the insect group, and let them rush to it quickly. The city of cultivators comes.

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