Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1491: End of treatment

"Ah!!!" Wang Mang's muscles tightened all over his body, his face twisted like a beast and evil spirit, his hideous features made the silver needles deep into the flesh ooze drops of red blood.

Bai Mei frowned, rubbing his five fingers, he was waiting, waiting for an appropriate moment!

Suddenly! White eyebrows moved, his right hand suddenly covered Wang Mang's lower abdomen, and his vigorous five fingers pinched the last golden needle at Wang Mang's dantian. A majestic, mysterious and special energy poured into the golden needle from his eyebrows along his arm!

"Patriarch is on! Bless the disciple to succeed in this technique!" Bai Mei solemnly muttered in his heart, the movement of the five fingers kept moving, and the speed at which the majestic special energy was poured in even faster.

The time was wiped off every minute, and Wang Mang's short hair was stuck together by the oozing sweat. The originally dry pillow had become soggy at this moment, and his skin had also become damp.

Without him, the intense pain and numbness caused Wang Mang's body to nearly collapse, and the large amount of sweating and knotted muscles were just a physiological reaction to avoid pain!

"It's the last three minutes!" Outside the **** cage, a nervous Yao Sen muttered. The **** cage is not soundproof, and he can clearly hear what Baimei said. As long as these three minutes pass, the master's curse will be It can be lifted!

A trace of special black energy different from evil spirits wafted from the dense silver needles on Wang Mang's body. This was another extremely disgusting power-curse! Each silver needle was stained with a trace of blood from the blood horse, and the curse that belonged to the blood horse alone could only be discharged through his breath or blood as a medium!

The sweat-stained body made the snow-white quilts and sheets on the sickbed damp as if they were fished out of the water, and Wang Mang's deformed limbs became more and more knotted.

The strongest wave of pain was directly led into his soul from his body! pain! pain! pain! It's as if the bone marrow is ground into powder by the grinding disc! This is simply not something that humans can bear!

The short three minutes seemed to be longer than three years. Wang Mang's consciousness was no longer able to think, and he didn't even have a single thought. His brain was empty, and he was silently suffering this seemingly endless pain!

"The great work is done!" White eyebrows looked at Wang Mang's gradually relieved muscles, and finally a smile appeared on his solemn face. When his voice fell, Wang Mang's body was densely packed with gold needles and silver needles for at least two hundred and shot through in an instant. come out.

'Ding! Ding! Ding! The **** cage of the incarnation is embedded with all the long needles that burst out. Bai Mei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"No room...really?! You can disperse this **** cage!"

Wu Jian moved after hearing the words, and the condensed evil spirit cage slowly dissipated, and recondensed into a human form standing next to the bed, "White eyebrow doctor, this is your needle!"

Wu Jian held a large handful of long needles and handed it to Bai Mei, but the dark eyes were staring at Wang Mang closely, and the worry was beyond words.

Drops of turbid, stinky blood flowed out of the dense needles on the skin, these are blood contaminated by the curse! It must be excreted from the body!

Seeing the tainted blood discharged, Bai Mei couldn't help but smile and said to Zhang Lan and Yao Sen beside him: "Two, Master Wang Mang is all right now. Cursing the tainted blood to be discharged, the rest just needs to rest. , With Lord Wang Mang’s physical fitness, I’m afraid he will be able to return to the top in half a month!

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