Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1492: Baimei asks for

Bai Mei was really right. The dense needles on Wang Mang's body were squeezed out by drops of fishy and foul blood, which was expelled quite quickly.

This is the recovery and rebound of the detached body after half a month of silence. In the past, the body was bound by a curse and could not exert that detached power. Now it is all released!

Zhang Lan took a basin of hot water from outside the house, with a snow-white clean towel on the edge of the basin. Her coquettish face was lightly relaxed. Brother Mang’s body was healed, and the hanging rock in her heart finally You can put it down!

She moistened the towel in the hot water, a pair of snow-white slender hands gripped the towel and whirled, the hot hot water fell from the towel again into the basin, and the steaming towel was caught in her hand, waiting for the towel The temperature was almost over, and she began to wipe Wang Mang's body carefully.

The dark, stinky blood, and the thick sweaty skin, was slightly reddish under the wiping of the hot towel. The tight muscles slowly relaxed in the proper warmth. Wang Mang, who was unconscious, trembled his eyebrows, as if I felt the warmth and comfort from my body.

"Yao Sen, you can get me a new pot of hot water!" Zhang Lan wiped Wang Mang's body, unceremoniously instructing Yao Sen who was standing by the wall.

"Okay!" At this time, Yao Sen curled his lips, and walked outside the house with the washbasin full of muddy black water.

After a while, Yao Sen put the water basin next to Zhang Lan and moved to the side of Baimei who was packing up the wooden box. "The genius doctor Baimei, are you interested in staying in the alliance?"

Baimei held the linen's right hand for a slight pause. He raised his head to look at Yao Sen, and shook his head firmly, "Thank you for your kindness, but a certain person still likes to live in the mountains and forests. It’s good outside, but it’s not conducive. Practice."

It's definitely not a trivial matter for his own practice. Yao Sen swallowed before he could say what he was about to persuade. He stroked his delicate perm, with a lot of thoughts in his heart, and quickly came up with an idea.

"The genius doctor Baimei, your medical skills are rare in the world. This time you have lifted the curse on our lord. Don't hesitate to mention what you want. As long as Yao has it, I will send it to you the next day!"

Baimei was not too excited when he heard Yao Sen's generous words. He is 57 this year and he has seen a lot of things. He saved Lord Wang Mang. This is a feat, but if he takes his gratitude to report , I am afraid that his feat will not be liked by others.

"My lord, it is the duty of a healer to treat illnesses and save others. Besides, if you have a ambition in the mountains and forests, there is no special need. If you want a reward, you can give me some spiritual herbal medicines in the next places."

Bai Mei said this beautifully. He was not without desires, but he knew what he was and what he should take.

Yao Sen thought about it a little, pressed the thought in his heart, and didn't say it for the time being. With a smile on his mouth, he nodded in response:

"The genius doctor Baimei is really kind. After the Human Alliance eradicated that group of cultivators, the remaining guilt is not enough. The magic doctor Baimei wants to give Yao the spirit grass for seven days. After I report it to the master, It must be sent to you immediately!"

"Then thank you sir!" Bai Mei slightly arched his hands, and he was also a little grateful. After all, he alone wanted to collect the spirit grass of all China is tantamount to idiotic dreams!

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