Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1497: Zhou Ying

"Chop these two corpses up! Then put them in an iron bucket and boil them over a bonfire. I see if their companions can sit calmly and watch their robes get killed like this!"

Zhou Ying's words were loud, and he was not just talking to the ordinary men, but also to Zhang Niu who was lying in the reeds.

"Brother Niu! I can't bear it anymore! I'm going out to fight them to death and death!" However, the eighteen or nine-year-old Xiaohang is at the age of blood, unable to stand Zhou Ying's excitement, and immediately drew the knife and rushed to the bullock cart. Fight with that Zhou Ying on the edge!

"Are you his opponent? It's just going to die!" Zhang Niu's eyes were red, and he pressed Xiaohang's shoulder tightly.

He vomited the white buds that had been chewed into grass mud in his mouth, and said bitterly: "Just stay here and use the Ring of Doom to call for reinforcements to the organization. Zhao Xing and I will delay him for a few minutes!!!"

Zhang Niu fiercely grasped the scimitar wrapped in reed leaves beside him. After Zhao Xing took the ring off and handed it to Xiaohang, he patted Xiaohang's back again and said coldly, "No matter what happens, even if Both of us are dead, so don't go out! I will count on you to avenge us in the future!"

"Kill!" Zhang Niu didn't wait for Xiaohang's reply with red eyes and tears, a roar ran through the jungle, leading Zhao Xing towards Zhou Ying's position!

"I'm really not afraid of death!" Zhou Ying, who was pressing his severed arm, was sitting on the bullock cart, and the roar of killing made him look sideways at the sound source uncontrollably, and his cold white teeth were exposed again.

'call out! A harrier turned over, he quickly rolled off the sack, a sharp arrow pierced through three sack filled with grain, the arrow was nailed to the wooden fence of the ox cart, and the tail feathers buzzed with a quake.

"At last there is a decent figure! Two plus two, a small team is considered to be gathered!" Zhou Ying licked the scarlet lips with both hands on the railing of the ox cart, looking at Zhang with hatred. Niu and Zhao Xing.

His severed arm was glued together with a special muddy-grey ointment, which looked amazing. This stiffly adhered ointment really looked like the flesh and blood that he had grown, together with the broken arm. A hint of stagnation and stiffness.

"Damn beast!" Zhang Niu stared at Zhou Ying fiercely, holding the scimitar in both hands. A few steps from a distance of more than ten meters were instantaneous, and the stinging blade wind blew Zhou Ying's fragile neck. In an instant, a sharp blade could break his skin and cut off his throat!

But at this moment, it is often the key to the reversal of victory and defeat, "ding!!" The crisp steel collision sounded, and a slap-big poisonous scorpion used a pair of large tongs to firmly clamp the machete that Zhang Niu had cut. .

The slender tail needle suddenly shot a fishy venom straight to Zhang Niu's eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Zhou Ying suddenly looked back, looking at Zhang Niu, who was holding back the pain and wanted to punch the back of his head with a punch, and sneered with a smile.

"I said you are underestimating me? I can be a bug master! Existing with the same qualifications as Wang Mang, the leader of your bug group! Do you really think I'm muddled?"

Zhou Ying easily grasped Zhang Niu's fist, as if the five steel fingers suddenly exerted force, Zhang Niu's fist broke and deformed in an instant, and his facial features were even more terrifying because of the pain! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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