Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1498: Collect the corpse

Zhang Niu, as a captain of a vast grass-roots team of the Shadow Department, was of average strength regardless of his qualifications.

As a second-order ability player, he is still at the middle and upper reaches of the level, but facing a special ability person at the first-order peak, he is as weak as a cow and sheep to be slaughtered.

Zhang Niu's facial features were fierce, and the severe pain made him unable to lift half of his strength. A cold light flashed, and a wide and sharp insect sickle swept across his throat.

A line of blood appeared from the incision, and the blood-filled artery looked like a ruptured pipe in a water pump, and a large stream of blood spurted out.

Zhou Ying dragged Zhang Niu's gradually limp corpse and threw it to the muddy ground, her sullen eyes staring at Zhao Xing who had come with Zhang Niu.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Zhao Xing roared, holding a machete tightly in his hand, and gave himself courage, but his legs still couldn't help but swing. In a team of four, all three died. He is the only one left alive!

After finally overcoming his fear, Zhao Xing rushed towards Zhou Ying, and Zhou Ying's flexible and swift figure immediately ran right in front of him.

The left paw, which turned into an insect's sharp arthropod, was embedded in his lower abdomen. The gurgling blood dripped on the soil along the sharp arthropod. Zhao Xing turned his head unwillingly to look at Zhou Ying beside him.

"Wow!" Zhou Ying slowly pulled out the limbs inserted into his belly, facing his unwilling expression of resentment, grinning evilly and showing cold white teeth...

"Pack up things! Hurry up, we won't be able to go back in the twilight because these idiots who don't know how to die are hurting us!"

Zhou Ying took the linen from the bullock cart, wiped her hands at random, and ordered the ordinary men to pack up the corpses, while she sat back in the cart again, lazily draping her eyelids, and reluctant to move while leaning on the sack.

There were four people in a team, and only two storage rings were found. In addition, the armors of the seized weapons were tied to the pedals of the carriage with twine.

Zhou Ying rubbed the two storage rings in her hand, frowned slightly, and received it in her pocket without saying anything.

Xiaohang, who was still lying in the reeds, clutched her mouth tightly, her young body was trembling non-stop, and the other hand was tightly clasped with the mud and grass roots.

He stared at the four dead bodies beside the bullock cart with wide red eyes, and big crystal tears couldn't stop falling on his clothes.

The sun on the horizon slowly slanted west, and the golden afterglow at dusk made the lush reeds a bit more poetic.

The docile green cow was swung a few times with a long whip, and immediately moved his strong and sturdy limbs and walked along the path towards the distance, leaving only a spot of blood and four corpses.

When the sun disappeared and the afterglow dissipated, the starry night came, Xiaohang still lying in the reeds, the croaking bug got into his sleeves, and didn't care about the collar, he was waiting!

When the night darkened and midnight approached, he supported his stiff body in the early hours of the morning, and couldn't take care of shaking off the mud on his body. He carefully climbed along the reeds to the edge of the muddy path, like a dog stealing food. Cautiously pulled the four corpses into the reeds.

In the dark night when the visible distance was not less than two meters, Xiaohang looked at his brother who was still a little warm, resisting his own choking sound, and his knuckles were all white with his hands with excessive force.

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