Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1499: Waist card

The four deadly and terrifying corpses lay on the cold muddy ground. Xiaohang, who was a little weak, could not help but knelt on the ground. In this dark night, the hungry wolf in the distance made a sharp strange hiss. , There was a wave of despair in his heart, and the thought of suicide gradually emerged.

"Xiaohang! I'm dead, you want to avenge me!" Captain Zhang Niu's firm words before rushing to the enemy made him unable to hold back this thought. He sat on the ground and panted for a while, then climbed up again. Find a piece of dead wood that is about to rot in the reeds.

He tried to break the dead wood with his few abilities and made a wooden shovel. His brothers were dead, and at least there must be a grave!

In the dark night, a young man with firm eyes and sweat on his forehead was busy digging three-meter-deep pits in the reeds. The muddy mud was piled up by him, and a corpse was mixed into the pit. , He respectfully knocked three heads at the corpse, "Brother MCA, thank you for your care!"

He murmured, and began to fill the pit. The muddy mud quickly covered the corpse. When the pit was filled, he repeated another corpse. The sky was slightly white with more joints. Although Xiaohang's face was worn out, the will that oozes from his eyes remained firm.

"Brother Niu! In the past ten days, although you have always said that I am stupid, I know that you treat me most sincerely. When you usually eat, you always say that I eat less, and I will eat more in the future. From now on, you will be as strong as Brother Niu!"

Xiaohang knelt in front of a corpse with painful eyes and tears. His young body kept trembling. He almost stuck his face in the mud. His facial features were distorted by crying. He was crying silently, with hatred in his heart. Anyone!

He stood up and put the body of the captain Zhang Niu into the pit, ‘Papa! 'A black stone-like waist card fell from his arms, Xiaohang carefully placed Zhang Niu's body in the pit, picked up the fast waist card, and took a casual look at the white morning light in the sky. Want to put it back into Zhang Niu's arms.

But it was this look that made his tired eyes widen in an instant. It seemed...not...Brother Niu's thing! A black stone-like waistband seemed to have carved out a terrifying insect-like monster with a knife.

The ugly and terrifying insect beast surrounded a humanoid creature, with sharp and slender limbs inserted into the humanoid creature's lower abdomen and between the eyebrows, but the person did not appear to be painful, but could see a trace of joy and evil.

What is this special thing? !

Xiaohang turned the black waistband over, and the familiar numbers made his brows frown deeper, three! Just a three-character! A vigorous and powerful three-character written in ancient Xiaozhuan!

Xiaohang looked at the white fish belly rising from the sky, thought for a moment, and put away the quick waist card, and the muddy soil slowly spread on Zhang Niu's corpse!

When the sky was shining and Xiaohang, who had not closed his eyes overnight, trot back down the road when he came, he had a hunch that this waist card was very important, and it was probably the key thing the captain seized before his death!

Even after running for thirty or forty miles, one of Xiaohang's cloth shoes was worn out. He only rested for ten minutes on the way, and the burning pain in his lungs did not let him relax. He was exhausted and he had only one belief. , Send this waist card to the organization!

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