Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1501: Ma Jian

The young commander's name was Ma Jian. He was able to rank among the middle-ranking cadres of the insect group at the age of 23. His strength and methods are naturally the best.

The texture pattern of the waist card he is holding tightly now is very unfamiliar, but there is one thing that can't be wrong. This lifelike pattern is indeed a kind of strange insect!

The young captain ran out of the tightly guarded central building and exited the gate. He frowned and looked around anxiously. A young boy with a slightly green face immediately caught his eye, except There are no other strangers near this young man who is resting in the pavilion at the entrance of the building!

"Young man, did you bring this thing?!"

Xiaohang sat on the wooden bench in the pavilion, staring blankly at Ma Jian walking towards him, his expression showing a little anxious Ma Jian, when Ma Jian walked in front of him, he nodded without hesitation and blurted out. Said: "Chief Wei! I brought this fast waist card!"

Ma Jian couldn't help but squinted his eyes, and the power full of strong personal aura radiated like nothing. He looked at Xiaohang and waved his left hand into the air. The black diaphragm covering the entire pavilion only flashed for a moment. He escaped in the air and was nowhere to be seen.

"Young man, how did this waist card come from, can you tell me in detail? This is a major issue that concerns the leader, so don't be afraid of trouble. Tell me every detail."

Ma Jian patted Xiaohang on the shoulder and sat next to him on the wooden chair in the pavilion.

With a pale face, Xiaohang tried his best to recall the horrific experience that was so full of blood that almost became his nightmare. The eldest brother of MCA was shot to death by a thousand needle blasts. The captain Zhang Niu smashed his five fingers and corroded his left eye. In the end it was still difficult. To escape the fate of being cut through the neck.

Xiaohang used a tone of anger to the extreme, like a cuckoo weeping blood, from the beginning of the failed ambush, and told Ma Jian beside him in every detail.

"En!" Ma Jian listened and nodded carefully, an ambush of up to ten minutes. Because of the patient elaboration of every detail, the whole thing took more than forty minutes to finish.

Ma Jian, who nodded and listened, waited for Xiaohang to finish, and patted his arm sympathetically, took out an unusual-looking pill from the storage ring and handed it to him.

"No matter what, the deceased is already here. As the only surviving member of this squad, you have to shoulder more things. From tomorrow on, you will be incorporated into Pharaoh’s task force. You can protect yourself only when you have the strength , The hope of revenge.

You have rushed for more than ten miles, and the inner palace has long been broken. Take this medicine and go to the infirmary to take a good rest. Leave the rest to me! "

Xiaohang's eyes were red with the pill in his palm, and after a few moments he nodded without tears. He wanted to say that he was not afraid of death, even if he killed Zhou Ying who killed the captain by suicide now. Also willing.

But the cruel apocalypse made him understand that his strength is too low, and sometimes he doesn't even have the qualifications to burn jade and stone!

"Om!" Ma Jian waved his hand to lift the diaphragm barrier, and Xiaohang comforted him a few more words, then turned and left and walked towards the central building. He held his waist card, and his narrow eyes shot out two cold rays.

Nowadays, in wartime, there are at least a dozen people who die every day. He has always been indifferent to life, but it is related to the organization, it is related to the leader, this Zhouying, you want to see people when you live, and you want to see the dead when you die!

"Through my order, the center will be on first level alert! All the contingents will cancel their shifts, and they will be divided into five teams to continue patrols 24 hours a day!"

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