Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1502: Urgent

Ma Jian's order was carried out without any discount in the forbidden area where the order was static. Each of the 500-full contingents had their faces covered with black masks and headscarves.

The strong body is wearing a standard high-strength special task suit, and the long and narrow samurai sword made of the highest grade steel provided by the organization is shocking and powerful.

Every member of the task force responsible for guarding this special forbidden area is the most loyal fighter of the organization, and their equipment is full of the most advanced technology and wealth of mankind.

The cost of a single-piece task force is one hundred and eighty gold dragon coins, plus tailor-made swords, boots, and various high-end equipment to perform tasks. The average cost of each task force member is as high as one. Thousands of gold dragon coins!

The middle-aged man who was in charge of leading this force was named Wang Cheng, who was calm-headed, had rich combat experience, and was superb with his ghostly sword skills.

Ma Jian handed over the command of this forbidden area to Wang Cheng, and mentioned to him about Xiaohang. The young man named Xiaohang is a talent that can be made. It would be a pity if he didn't forge it well.

When the martial law officially began, Ma Jianping retired Wang Cheng, pushed open the bookcase in the office, hidden on the wall behind the bookcase, painted a complex and mysterious special array with a blood-colored circle, a blood-colored circular array. In the center is a **** palm with full palm prints.

The blood-colored palm size and the palm prints are exactly the same as Ma Jian's right hand. This is a very special space-time formation pattern. Each activation requires a space-time gravel worth six thousand gold dragon coins.

Of course, the high price brings extraordinary confidentiality and speed.

Ma Jian placed a space-time gravel in his palm, and pressed it against the blood-colored palm print on the wall. The majestic space-time energy sputtered at the moment the gravel broke, and the light red space-time channel Like a whirlpool, Ma Jian's powerful right arm was lost.

This blood-colored space-time channel can be directly transmitted to the lord’s mansion of Gushan City, and the transmission speed is only three seconds. Of course, there is a price...

A red light flashed, Ma Jian's body sank into the passage, the creaking bookcase was closed again, and the whole office was quiet again.

In Gushan City, in a bright and comfortable cabin in the banquet room, a blood-colored vortex suddenly appeared, and Ma Jian with a bloodshot at the corner of his mouth stepped out.

"Ma Jian, the commander of the Cangshan defense forbidden area, has important things to report!" Ma Jian, whose eyes were like eagles and exuding majestic aura, said to the two black armored soldiers in the house who were equally sturdy.

"Captain Ma, urgent report?!" The black armored soldier covered in evil spirit mask asked in an icy tone. It is rare for the Captain to deliver news in person.

"Yes! Urgent report!"

"Then wait a moment, I will report to the master immediately!"

When the black armored soldier went there not long, he stretched out his hand and walked towards Wang Mang's residence with Ma Jian, "The master is having a meeting with the cadres of the Intelligence Department, you can go in directly, I have passed it through."

Ma Jian nodded and looked at the exquisitely crafted wooden door in front of him, ‘tough! He tapped his fingers, waited for Wang Mang's voice to be heard from inside, turned the handle, opened the door and walked in.

Five or six imposing or shameless, or sturdy senior cadres stared at Ma Jian who walked in. Wang Mang also turned his gaze on him, smiling slightly in surprise and said, "Why is the little Ma free today?"

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