Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1508: Monitor

"You are joking about your life by doing this!"

"The body is just the carrier of the soul. If it is worn out, I will replace it with another one. I have bred that thing. If you are dying, Lao Zhang, I can give you one!

"The kind of bug you mentioned, even if it can carry all your memories? It appears in a brand new body, will that person still be you?"

Xu Shi's words touched Zhou Ying's heart. His cold smile gradually reduced, and his index finger lightly stroked his heart.

"Is it so important? I am dead, but the remaining ‘I’ is still alive. They carry my will, so am I still dead in the true sense?"

"Think about it, Mr. Zhang, your relatives are all dead. When you die again, I'm afraid I will think of you occasionally, but wait until I forget you, or am I dead?

I am afraid that even the traces of you once existed in this world have disappeared. Then you are truly dead. The "I" that carries my memory can continue to copy the "I". My will is immortal, then I will Will live forever, this is-eternal life! "

Lao Zhang's head shuddered suddenly for some reason. He looked at Zhou Ying with a frenzied expression on his face and couldn't help shaking his head in the bottom of his heart.

This is a madman through and through, using his body to conceive all kinds of strange and disgusting bugs, and even now he has thoughts about his own brain, no, has the idea been thoroughly implemented, and it has been successful? !

"Zhou Ying, I know that I can't persuade you. Don't let me help you take out the worms in your body anyway. By the way, you asked me to make the two human skin puppets last time. Let's go back."

Old Zhang with his head back and hands, he pulled a piece of the curtain by the wall in a certain direction, and suddenly two blushed, evil and terrifying human skin puppets like paper people opened a pair of weird eyes, as if silent. Watching Zhou Ying quietly.

"Things are good!" In the dim room, Zhou Ying looked at the two dolls with admiration, nodded slightly and said in a cheerful tone: "Old Zhangtou, thank you for your pain,"

Zhou Ying tied the buttons of the long-sleeved shirt with one hand, waved at the doll, and put it in the storage ring.

He moved his shoulders, picked up the shirt he had previously torn off, and was about to open the door to leave, suddenly he paused, and turned his head to smile faintly at the old Zhang's head behind him.

"Lao Zhang, if I come again after three days, I will still be me. If I come again after a long time, I am afraid that as you said, I have become a ‘me’!"

After he finished speaking, he slammed the door shut, and there was only a murky glass in the dimly lit hut soaked with sunlight. Old Zhang had a sad look on his face and a paralyzed body. He sat on a soft sofa.

"Huh-!" He let out a faint breath, and looked at the crumpled cigarette case left on the coffee table.

He groaned a little, then took out the limp cigarette and held it in his mouth. A flame ignited, and the old Zhang, who was smoking, closed his eyes tiredly.

At this time, both the old Zhang Tou who closed his eyes and Zhou Ying, who was leaving in a hurry, did not see a gloomy alley, leaning against a brick wall. Hu Zhu's chin took a deep look at the wooden door of the dim hut.

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