Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1509: Conclude a blood contract

"The three-day period is here!" Wang Mang wore a luxurious cloak made of bearskin, scales, and python tendons. His back was straight and his hands were wrapped around his chest. A pair of deep eyes stared quietly. Looking out the window.

"Boss, this is the first snow of this year!" Ma Jian stood beside Wang Mang's right hand, murmured with feeling, watching the heavy snow falling from the sky, the color of remembrance flashed in his eyes.

Four years ago, when he first joined the insect group, it was a winter. At that time, his cheeks were red from the cold and he was blistering in his nose.

"Are everything ready?"

"Pharmaceuticals, medicinal pills, and 10 million Golden Dragon Coins are all ready, but... Chief, do you really plan to give Zhou Ying the things according to the deal?"

Wang Mang stretched out his hand and took a piece of snow falling from the sky. The warm palm slowly melted the snow and gradually melted into drops of cold water.

"Naturally, things have to be given to him, but can he keep it..."

A smile appeared at the corner of Wang Mang's mouth. He didn't take that female worm so much. He would be promoted to the sixth rank a bit more stable if he got the female worm, but it didn't.

"Buzzing!" A piece of black stone waist card worn by Wang Mang Dacloak's waist suddenly trembled.

Wang Mang held it with his hand, and the waist card immediately stagnated, tens of thousands of blue illusory rays shot from the waist card, volleying to construct a vivid shadow of Zhou Ying.

"It's nice to see you again, Lord Wang Mang, your actions in these three days are really not small. Four rebellious gathering places have killed three one after another. It seems that I am very much valued by you. This is my Zhou Ying's. It is an honor to allow me to bow to you."

Wearing a white sweater, Zhou Ying smiled and bowed slightly to Wang Mang. The polite attitude and the smile on his face made people feel that he was a gentleman from aristocratic background.

"You don't need to bow, but you really make me take it seriously, Zhou Ying. I am afraid that your strength is not only Tier 1, right? You should have Tier 4? Or Tier 5?!"

Wang Mang unceremoniously asked directly. He, who is also a bug master, knows this ‘kind’ too much. As long as you want to, he can always suppress his realm.

"I'm just an underground ant. You don't need to care about how powerful an ant is, how strong its arthropods are. Today is the day of the transaction. Lord Wang Mang, are you ready for what I need? ? If you are ready, then let's conclude a blood contract."

"I've prepared everything. It's a good deal to replace these things with a female worm." Wang Mang smiled casually, and asked Ma Jian beside him to take out the two wooden boxes, one large and one small.

Opening the wooden box, there are all kinds of exquisite and expensive medicines inside, a pile of thick, shining golden tickets of large denominations.

"I have believed in Lord Wang Mang's credibility, and I will show you the female worm you want!"

Zhou Ying smiled and spread out her palms, and the phantom formed by tens of thousands of blue rays perfectly outlined the plump body of the female worm, and even the laziness in the eyes of the worm showed clearly.

"If Master Wang Mang feels that there is no problem, then conclude a blood contract!"


Wang Mang simply glanced at the female worm, and agreed to Zhou Ying's request. After discussing it, the two wrote the same words on a piece of parchment, and dropped a drop of fingertips on the contractor’s area. The blood on the "teng" suddenly rose, and the two pieces of parchment ignited without wind.

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