Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1510: Ready to trade

The ashes from the burning parchment were dissipated between the sky and the earth as a gust of breeze turned into a little smoke and dust. Two places separated by at least a hundred kilometers, a bright light of blood appeared in the air at the same time. The content of the text is quickly engraved.

The small blood-colored characters in the midair were exactly the content of the contract agreed upon by Wang Mang and Zhou Ying on the parchment. In the sign of the contractor column, two enlarged blood drops suddenly appeared clearly.

"The contract has been completed, Lord Wang Mang, you pick a time, how about I pick a place?"

Zhou Ying's eyes flickered with thousands of blue rays, and if there was a smile at the corner of her mouth, her tone of voice when facing Wang Mang was not as rigid as before, a little softer.

"Okay!" Wang Mang agreed with a smile, without arguing with him about these minutiae things. Although Zhou Ying's strength was well hidden, no matter what the circumstances, he was not his opponent. Wang Mang didn't take the mother worm very seriously. , Naturally will not be aggressive.

"By the way, Lord Wang Mang, do you come in person for the transaction? Or..." Zhou Ying smiled and rubbed her hands, the expression on her face looked shameless.

"Could it be that Zhou Ying, would you still let me send a hand? Can the first-order peak of strength work? I have already given in a lot, don't you think I am a good person!"

Wang Mang's tone suddenly fell cold, and the oppressive force of those sharp eyes made Zhou Ying, who only dared to communicate with the phantom, couldn't help feeling a cold and murderous intent.

Zhou Ying smiled awkwardly and waved her hand quickly, "How could this happen, Lord Wang Mang, as an insect master, it is only natural for you to see the female insects yourself. Naturally, I will not make such unreasonable and excessive demands... ...How about the location of the transaction at the top of Cangshan Mountain?"

Wang Mang squinted his eyes, "At six o'clock in the evening, the top of Cangshan Mountain!"


The phantom figure formed by thousands of blue rays of light fell with Zhou Ying’s voice, and gradually turned into fluorescence and dissipated. The dim sky was still covered with heavy snow, and the dry ground had already precipitated knee-high whiteness. Bai Xue, at six o'clock in the evening, it was already dim.

"Chief, do you need me to send someone to ambush in advance?!"

Wang Mang glanced at Ma Jian who was talking, and said coldly, "Do you think that with my strength, I still need to ambush him in advance?!"

Ma Jian was stunned when he heard the words, and couldn't help but laugh. He was silly just now. Do you need help from his subordinates to deal with the enemy with the strength of a leader? This is too underestimation of the strength of the first human being.

"Ma Jian, you should still send the members of the task force to the vicinity of the gathering place. There will be people from the Intelligence Department and the Shadow Department in the city who will be responsible for searching and checking..." Wang Mang's voice paused, his eyes sharp. He looked into the lush forest covered with snow in the distance.

"I don't worry about Zhou Ying's action against me this week. He won't do it as long as he has a bit of brain. What I worry about is that he is not honest and does tricks in some ways!"

"Understand the leader!" Ma Jian bowed slightly and nodded solemnly. Wang Mang looked at the snow falling from the sky, waved his hand casually, and Zhou Ying immediately turned and left.

After a while, the task force in special snow combat uniforms quickly assembled. They covered their faces with white cloth and only had a long knife at their waist. They walked neatly away from the gate of the forbidden area.

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