Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1514: Alive

On the top of a vast Cangshan mountain, no starlight can be seen in the dim night sky, the sharp and hoarse wolf howling in the virgin forest, the harsh friction of the moth-eaten trees, are infinitely magnified on this quiet mountain top.

'call--! The bleak cold wind rolled up a piece of floating snow on the ground, a wind whirled, and fell back to the ground again.

‘Squeaky-squeaky! A pair of thick-soled boots made of fish skin climbed up from a dark mountain forest with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

The visitor only wore a thin blue sweater. As the pace moved, the round-necked sweater showed a trace of hideous stitches.

This person slowly walked to a **** corpse on the top of the mountain, and his calm eyes stared at the deformed and twisted neck of the corpse.

He squatted down, his stiff, red palms gently stroked the fleshy skin on the neck of the corpse, ‘pouch! Suddenly, his five fingers changed his claws and directly inserted into the blood and flesh of the corpse's neck.

The **** right hand fumbled in the corpse for a while before it was pulled out of the wound.

Stiff fingers dripped with a little blood in the snow beside him, he put his bloodied right hand on his sweater and wiped it casually.

His calm eyes seemed to show a trace of relief and ease, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise by an insignificant amount.

‘Crunch-crunch! Just as he turned and walked towards the dark mountain road when he came, a familiar voice suddenly sounded, "It's all here, don't you sit down and talk?"

The man paused, as if he heard some unbelievable words, he breathed out a suffocating breath, and then turned around with a smile, showing a bright smile on his face.

"Master Wang Mang, you found it unexpectedly! Hahaha!"

"You are really arrogant, knowing that I have been fooled, is it necessary to take another risk personally?"

"Master Wang Mang, are you sure I came in person?!"

The man seemed to have heard a very funny joke, he immediately propped his knees and laughed straight down, "Hahahahaha!"

He was alone on the top of this cold and bleak mountain, laughing madly, while Wang Mang, dressed in a bearskin cloak, stood lonely and upright on a rock that was not covered by snow, looking at him with indifferent eyes.

The crazy laughing man gradually reduced his laughter and slowly stopped.

With a pair of jokes and calm eyes, and the look of Zhou Ying that was the same as the previous Zhou Ying, all of this seemed too strange and terrifying in this gloomy night.

Is it resurrected from the dead, or resurrected by the corpse? ! Two identical Zhou Ying, almost cloned, one standing, one lying, one alive, and one dead!

"You really have the ability!" Wang Mang couldn't help but admired him. This method even blinded him. If he hadn't remembered Zhou Ying's mocking smile too much, I am afraid that he would have returned to the forbidden place at this time. Up.

"Zhou Ying! Your methods are superb, even I was almost deceived by you, but I am curious, what are the benefits of doing this?

I gave up the handy Golden Dragon Coins and potions, and even the mother worms were handed over to me. Some people did the decapitation business, but no one did the loss-making business. What do you want to gain by doing this? ! "

Wang Mang stared at Zhou Ying's ordinary face like a falcon, and saw that he was still smiling silently, his teeth still so cold.

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