Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1515: Confusing

"Ho **** ho~!" Zhou Ying, who stood beside the corpse, smiled presumptuously. He stared directly at Wang Mang without fear, and dangling out a pack of crumpled cigarettes from his pants pocket.

‘Patter! The tobacco was ignited, and the thick and choking smoke was swallowed directly by him, and it took a few moments before he exhaled it.

"I don't know how to answer your question, Lord Wang Mang, it's just that...you just said something wrong. The mother bug I gave you is not true! Hahahaha!"

As if the inferior prank had succeeded, the rich expression on Zhou Ying's face suddenly exploded, joking, mocking, and disdainful.

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang directly called out the fat female worm from the worm pattern on his left hand, with a lazy female worm in her eyes. She squeezed her left hand hard, and the female worm exploded after a painful struggle and twisted, splashing Wang Mang's green sticky body. Liquid.

"You are such a talent! Zhou Ying!" Wang Mang looked at his foul-smelling left hand stained with green slime, and the dullness in his eyes gradually turned into fierce rage. He was so careless that he was played twice in a row. !

"Om!" A thick halberd with Xuxu dragon scales was suddenly held in Wang Mang's hand. His five fingers gradually tightened together, and the knuckles became white because of too much force.

"Dead!" Wang Mang let out an angry roar, as if a violent hurricane was set off within a radius of ten miles, and Baixue, which was enough to reach his knees, was directly shaken away.

Before the angry roar, Wang Mang's powerful body appeared in front of Zhou Ying as if teleported, and a multi-ton evil dragon halberd in his hand was like a giant axe that split Huashan, carrying unmatched mighty power. Smashed on his head!

‘Boom! The rotten watermelon with its head resembling a heavy blow exploded as soon as it came into contact with the evil dragon halberd.

Then his body, limbs, and fragile human body were directly bombarded into dregs under Wang Mang's terrifying power like a Titan!

"Heh! That's the way it turns out!" Wang Mang waved the evil dragon halberd with one hand, and slammed his right hand into the air. A piece of iron joints the size of a fingernail was held in his hand. "Stand-in?! What a trick! !"

Wang Mang's right hand holding the iron parts slowly exerted force. The hard steel lasted for less than three seconds under Wang Mang's hundreds of tons of wild strength, before being gripped into a touch of fine sand.

Wang Mang raised his head and stared at the gloomy mountain road where the two Zhou Ying walked at the same time. A pair of deep eyes revealed fierce murder in the dim night, "Don't let me find you again!!!"

The grimace on Wang Mang's face flashed by, and his figure flashed on the top of the bleak mountain, disappearing.


In a small wooden house half of the house covered by snow, ‘Puff~Puff! A young man in a light blue sweater spit out two mouthfuls of muddy blood against the burning campfire.

His pale face became paler, as if in the next instant, he would faint and die suddenly.

But he didn't. He smiled and showed the two rows of white teeth stained with blood in his mouth. The smile looked terrifying and permeating.

He shook his head casually, took down the iron pan that was roasted on the bonfire, opened the lid, and chunks of fat monster meat were boiled in the boiling hot soup.

He couldn't wait to pick up a pair of chopsticks, pick up a piece of overcooked meat, and stuff it into his mouth. The hot and delicious soup was swallowed by the greedy and hungry.

After eating and drinking, he opened a small corner of the only window of the wooden house, just facing the top of the bleak Cangshan. He glanced at it, then dropped the window, his eyes filled with indescribable excitement and joy.

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