Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1516: discuss

In a spacious, brightly lit conference room, people couldn't open their eyes with the smoky smoke. A dozen men with sad faces were scattered around the solid wood rectangular conference table.

With cigarettes between their fingers, the orange flames kept moving, and four or five ashtrays on the table were already full of cigarette butts.

"Let's talk about it! Don't be like the dead one by one!" Wang Mang squeezed out the half-burned cigarettes in his hand, poked the filter against the bottom of the cylinder a few times, and extinguished the burning sparks on the tobacco.

"I think that Zhou Ying had two conscious doubles in succession. It should be through a certain kind of special insect as the center, and all kinds of insects as the source of power to drive the trunk and arms.

Only in this way can Qing, a lifeless, even conscious act of using steel as a substitute for joint materials! "

"No! I can clearly perceive that there is absolutely no trace of insects in the two doubles, and Zhou Ying is not a fool, so he will never use insect control in front of me!"

The person who had spoken before heard Wang Mang’s words, and his face suddenly became sad again. This Zhou Ying is really good, this is not right, that is not right, what method did he use to control the two doubles appearing? What about? !

"The leader..." A middle-aged man who was about 30 or more years old, with a little white head on top of his head raised his head which had been lowered, and looked at Wang Mang with his eyebrows quietly frowned.

"Chief, do you think there is such a possibility? He divided his soul into two strands and poured it into those two substitutes.

As long as the pregnancy time is enough, the two strands of soul separated from the body will never be too different, even Zhou Ying himself, as long as he recovers properly, the soul will heal as before in a year and a half! "

After listening to the words of the middle-aged young white-headed man, the people who listened patiently all raised their heads, and there were two bright lights in their eyes. It seems that there is indeed such a possibility, and the probability is still very high!

If Zhou Ying mastered the secret method of restoring the soul, it would not even take him a year or a half to heal, and it might be no problem in a month or two.

"Wait! I admit that what Brother Shan said is very reasonable, but have you ever thought about Zhou Ying's motivation for doing this?!

He thankfully separated the two souls and created two doubles, just to tease the leader?

Unless he is a real lunatic, there must be a motive behind his doing this that we don't know! "

As these words fell, more than a dozen high-level think tanks in the decision-making department in the conference room opened their mouths and analyzed the internal reasons behind Zhou Ying's actions.

As a ghost and powerful Mushishi, Zhou Ying did not hesitate to plan a few days ago from the operation that allowed the organization to get a badge. The interlocking plans obscured his hidden motives.

This is a very smart person, and at the same time he is a criminal elite with extremely executive power and strong psychological quality.

If it is still a civilized age, with his level of mind, I am afraid that there will be another criminal with a famous high IQ in human history!

"He doesn't want medicines or Golden Dragon Coins, perhaps because he is afraid of breaking the blood oath.

But his words and deeds after meeting the leader weren't like a normal-thinking person. Let's analyze it here, and analysis is not a way. Simply rely on the Shadow Department to catch him in time. "

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