Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1517: There is a situation in the thirteenth district

It is undoubtedly a stupid behavior to entrust a matter that cannot be resolved by wisdom to be resolved by force.

Are the dozen or so senior think tanks present in the conference room all dumb? Do not! They are not, they are all true intelligent elites selected by the entire insect group several times.

What was helpless was that there were too few clues in their hands. Almost all of the surrogate body they had cut out thin slices of meat for research, but up to now, all they did was in vain.

"Boss, the forest near Cangshan has already laid a net of heaven and earth, and nearly three thousand elite combatants from all parts of the insect group have been ambushing all the main roads of communication.

Even if it is a barren and steep cliff, there are at least three to four teams stalking, as long as Zhou Ying is still near Cangshan, he will definitely not escape here! "

It was a strong-faced army commander who was speaking. He was the leader of the forces on the front of the Shadow Department, and he was also responsible for the main combatants that were transferred this time.

As for the most frightening shadow department, the black-clothed squad with incomparably ghostly figures has broken into pieces and sneaked into the dense forests around Cangshan.

"Then I will wait for the good news from you. As long as Zhou Ying is arrested, it will be sent to the fourth floor of the Gushan City Dungeon as soon as possible, and I will pass it as soon as possible!"

Wang Mang got up from the chair, turned around and left after an explanation. He squinted his eyes and opened the door, watching the heavy snow still falling, a trace of unwillingness oozes from his heart.

He didn’t believe that the two doubles used by Zhou Ying could command hundreds of kilometers apart, whether he poured his soul or some other means, he still had the ability to use hundreds of kilometers apart. never heard of that!

"The 13th district can receive the net! Nothing unusual! The forty-fifth is heading to the 14th district!"

Half of his face was covered with a black mask, and only a pair of gloomy eyes were exposed. The ghostly man in black squatted on the branch of a big tree with a thick water tank. He had a hoarse voice after reporting, and he was dressed in a black-clad body. Slowly becomes transparent and will disappear soon.

Suddenly, he was about to take a sudden halt with his legs, his figure was unstable, and he almost fell from a big branch.

‘Kara~! His right hand is like a sharp hook firmly embedded in the hard wooden pole, a pair of gloomy eyes, regardless of his own body, staring at a snowdrift beside the mud road in the forest.

The snowdrift was like a huge bluestone covered by white snow from the dim sky, and it didn't look unusual.

The man in black squinted his eyes, and took out three poisoned flying knives from the belt around his waist, ‘huh! call out! call out! The piercing sound of piercing the air suddenly sounded, and the hard large bluestone collided with the sharp flying knife, splashing a few sparks.

The eyes of the man in black ooze a trace of doubt, he suddenly dropped from the tree and landed on the ground, took out a short blade and held it tightly with his right hand.

His steps are very shallow, and he can hardly hear the sound of the soles squeezing the snow. He is very cautious and cautious. The experience of hundreds of life and death fights tells him that there is a problem here!

"Call! Call! There is a problem beside the dirt road in District A, Suspend support! Suspend support!" The hoarse and unpleasant voice was a bit impatient, and the pager on the shoulder passed a messy current. The man in black choked off.

He was half-bent, his back taut like a strong bow, just like a tiger crouching in the grass to hunt, his eyes staring at the bluestone with a few pieces of stone skin off!

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