Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1518: Arrested

‘Om! 'At the moment when the biting cold wind blows the bluestone and snow, the man in black's taut legs are like treading on the ground, his strong muscles instantly tighten and expand, and the power of the whole body pushes him like a black lightning. In the blink of an eye, he got close to the top of the bluestone.

The short blade he was holding tightly changed into a stab. He clasped the handle of the knife with both hands, and regardless of his physical damage, he directly exerted a terrifying force that was almost pressing his potential.

The hard big bluestone faced this stabbing with several tons of force, the hard stone skin was pierced forcibly, and the moment the short blade touched the inside of the bluestone, the sudden change occurred!

‘Bah! ’This is the sound of wood being cut! There is wood in this bluestone! The man in black didn't have time to think about it, only this ridiculous thought flashed through his mind, and the figure gradually became transparent, and he wanted to leave by instant.

A qualified assassin must obey the old saying, miss a hit and flee a thousand miles! This is a professional standard that every killer must follow. Those who fail to do this are already dead!

Often accidents occurred at the time when the risk was the highest. At the moment when the man in black who had been activated by the method of instantaneous body disappeared, a big hand from within the bluestone grabbed his ankle fiercely!

‘Puff! 'The man in black, codenamed forty-five, is surprisingly cruel and decisive. The moment the sudden big hand grabbed his ankle, his gloomy eyes flashed, and the short blade of his right hand slashed directly on his own. On the calf, blood was immediately injected, and he also fled.

This fierceness and decisiveness definitely deserves the name of the Shadow Elite!

"Kara~Kara!" The huge bluestone is like broken porcelain. After a few crisp sounds, criss-crossing spider patterns appear. The owner of the big hand is like a monster coming out of the ground, directly smashing the bluestone. Appeared in front of the man in black!

He was wearing a light blue thin sweater on his upper body, a pair of ordinary black trousers on his lower body, and a pair of shoes on his feet that were a bit unusual, a pair of hand-stitched fish skin boots.

The man in black squinted his eyes and looked at the person's face, which was very ordinary and ordinary, except for...there was a black line half-hidden by a ferocious centipede on his neck.

"Great! Great!" Zhou Ying looked at the half of her calf clutched in her right hand, and randomly threw it into the surrounding snow, splashing a piece of broken snow. He smiled and clapped, looking at the broken leg with admiration. A man in black leaning against a big tree.

"Although I don't know your name, you must be a member of the worm group. With your decisiveness and insight, you are definitely an elite of the worm group!"

Zhou Ying randomly found a broken piece of bluestone and sat down, looking at the man in black as if chatting at home, "Have you called for support before?! It's okay, you don't have to worry about whether I will run away, I Know how many catties you have.

Facing the net of heaven and earth laid by your Lord Wang Mang, I might not escape a death word no matter where I go. I might as well stay here honestly, so as not to have to spend a lot of effort. "

"This time I am arrogant. At the end of this plan, I still underestimate the background of your bug group. I have nothing to say. Take me away. I am a little looking forward to seeing your leader Wang Mang now. !"

Zhou Ying smiled, showing a cold white tooth with a nervous smile.

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