Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1519: Escort

As soon as Zhou Ying's words fell, more than a dozen black shadows suddenly appeared in the sparse tree canopy. They were all dressed in black, covering half of their face tightly, with a black bladed long knife in their right hand.

They had all been hunting Zhou Ying and fought a fierce battle, but he seemed... ready to be a prisoner?

There was a muffled noise in the snow, and the flat snow surface was smashed into a pit by the heavy shackles, "Put the handcuffs on and bind your hands!"

"Okay! I'll just do what you said!" Zhou Ying smiled and stood up from the sitting bluestone fragments, and put the handcuffs in one hand and put it into the wrist of the other hand.

‘Kab! As soon as the iron ring of the shackles clasped the wrist, the sound of the machine rang instantly, the iron ring tightened the wrist tightly, and the skin and flesh became a little bruised.

Zhou Ying smiled seemingly without feeling, pinned her hands behind her waist, and tied her other hand in this way.

"Stand there and don't move!" The headed man in black warned in a cold voice, winking at his subordinates beside him.

Immediately, the black-clothed men knew, and the figure flashed suddenly and appeared behind Zhou Ying.

Holding a bone nail that was more than ten inches in one hand, he fiercely chiseled into the place three inches below the person's cervical spine in front of him!

Zhou Ying's complexion snorted, and the muscles of her upper body tightened subconsciously. The bone nails deep into the flesh were firmly stuck in the body by the powerful muscles, and the red blood couldn't even seep at this time!

"Om!" The black man disappeared again and appeared next to the captain, whispering with his ears: "Captain, look at the strength of the body, the lowest level is 5, it is very likely to reach the peak!"

The captain's face gradually turned cold when he heard the words, he rushed behind and waved his hand, and three or four shadows suddenly flashed out, and six bone nails slammed into the joints of Zhou Ying's body.

"Take it away! The two people took him away! The others escorted!" The captain shouted loudly, and said a few words to the pager on his shoulder, so that all the members of the black team in charge of the search for the mountain gathered to the thirteenth. Area.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, Zhou Ying's methods are unpredictable, who knows if he has any secret ways to escape!

After a while, not only the personnel from all parts of the black team arrived, but also a lot of elites selected by the various parts of the insect group.

The captain of the black squad didn't have any complaints about this, but ordered the members to **** faster. When it reaches the forbidden ground, this week, even if he has great skills, he can't escape!

In three to five minutes, a black-clothed squad of dozens of people escorted, and the rest of the members went into the mountain for the second big raid. This was also an order issued by the organization leader, so that this week Ying would once again use a stand-in technique to hide from the sky again!

The heavily defensive forbidden ground slowly opened the door. Zhou Ying, whose head was covered by a special cloth hood, was held by two men in black and walked at the forefront of the team with almost no delay.

Zhou Ying was directly escorted to the last room of the dungeon in the tightest forbidden area. The senior cadres of the insect group who had heard the news rushed in excitement, intending to watch the living Zhou Ying!

"The dungeon is heavy! The idlers stop!"

"I'm a senior cadre in the decision-making department, can't I go in either?"

"I'm also a think tank, can you let me see the true face of this week's shadow! I just look at it and leave!"

Regardless of the position of the person who came, the two men in black still showed a pair of gloomy eyes, with their right hands resting on the handle of the knife, and looking at the cadres who came by with unkind expressions.

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