Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1520: Escorting Gushan City

The uncles of this group of decision-making departments are not their superiors. They don't have the need to listen to their orders. What's more, it is the leader who issued the task this time. Even if the minister of their Shadow Department comes, they have to shut their doors!

The entrance to the dungeon was crowded. A dozen senior officials in the decision-making department wanted to see with their own eyes what Zhou Ying, who had troubled them all night, was no different from his stand-in. They even wanted to ask about Zhou Ying. What kind of method has created two flesh and blood puppets with consciousness!

"Dare to step forward and kill!!"

The two men in black who stood at the entrance of the dungeon seemed to have received some order, their gloomy eyes flashed with a ruthless look, and the long swords they held slammed out, pointing at the crowd gathered together!

"Hey, I think let's go. These people in black are all lunatics in the Shadow Department. If they go crazy, they might actually kill us!"

"I think so, this group of lunatics are not normal. Let's go!" Xu Ye felt the almost overflowing killing intent of the two men in black, and the middle-aged man pulled the companion next to him and hurriedly backed away. Two steps.

But even with this threat, there are still some think tanks with extremely strong curiosity who refuse to leave. They hide more than ten meters away from the entrance of the dungeon, peeking out a pair of eyes with strong curiosity and looking at the deep dungeon stairs. .

"Kara~Kara!" The sound of the chain mopping the floor gradually became clear and harsh. A prisoner with four heavy iron shackles was escorted out with a string of holes in his limbs.

The man's forearm and calf were forcibly drilled into a fist-sized blood hole with a steel knife. Every time he took a step, the iron chain would rub the flesh and blood, bringing out drops of blood.

This prisoner is naturally Zhou Ying, but to the disappointment of these curious think tanks, Zhou Ying's face was forcibly embedded in an iron mask.

The sharp hooks of the four masks were firmly inserted into his head, and even the bones of the back of the head were faintly visible.

"Oh! What a disappointment!" A certain think tank with half-white hair and a sad face shook his head, took a deep look at Zhou Ying, who was bound by various instruments of torture, and couldn't help turning and leaving.

The others were the same, they were all disappointed to leave. At the same time, Ma Jian, who happened to be in the opposite direction of their departure, quickly walked towards the black team escorting Zhou Ying!

"Hurry up! I will immediately open the space-time channel, the leader already knows that you have captured Zhou Ying, this time you will remember your head skills!"

Ma Jian called out a blue spar and crushed it with his bare hands. The overflowing powder slowly rotated in front of everyone, and the speed became more and more rapid, until it became a deep space-time vortex!

"Om!" The passage was formed, and no one was too delayed. The two men in black who escorted Zhou Ying firmly grasped the iron chain on his body, and led him into the passage one after the other.

Ma Jian and the captain of the black squad immediately followed, and the space-time channel appeared for a total of less than three seconds, and then immediately closed!

"The miscellaneous people and others will leave immediately! Offenders kill!!"

"The worm team is working! All those who try to get close to the passage, kill them!"

A series of murderous threats revealed a spacious open space in the crowded and noisy square, and the two escorting Zhou Ying suddenly appeared.

The member of the insect group responsible for maintaining order immediately pulled out the steel knife in his hand, and looked at the crowd not far away with killing intent in his eyes. Who dares to step forward at this moment will kill!

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