Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1521: Mouthy

A tragic prisoner with blood on his limbs was escorted in this way, and immediately caused a noise and exclamation from the crowd on the square.

They had been living in Gushan City, a safe place called a greenhouse, they had forgotten to kill, even hunting monsters was a long time ago.

In Gushan City, martial arts were forbidden, all the private fighters in the square were imprisoned in the dungeon by the members of the insect group who were on duty.

But there are some fools who are fascinated by ghosts and like to show the limelight on such occasions! Pay attention!

"This is too miserable. It seems that he is also a member of our humanity. What did he commit to be **** like this?!

You see his limbs are still chained together, how painful every step is! Do the people in these bug groups really treat themselves as first-class people and deal with our compatriots like this? "

"I think even if he is the intruder's running dog, this treatment is a bit too much. He wiped his neck directly with a knife, and he was in pain!"

Perhaps the noise of the conversation between the two people was too loud. A member of the insect group with a shaved head and holding a steel knife suddenly turned his head, and a pair of bloody, fierce eyes suddenly stared at the two of them. !

The two shivered indifferently, trying to squeeze into the crowded crowd to find a sense of security. There were tens of thousands of onlookers, and it was impossible to find them just because of a few words.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the bald head holding a steel knife, and a hideous color appeared on his face covered with fleshy flesh. Holding a steel knife, he stared at the direction where the two of them rushed into the crowd. Rudely dragged to the side.

Along the way, everyone looked at the awkward bald head with fear. Gradually, the crowd gave way to a wide road. The two unspeakable men were firmly held by several people to prevent them. Inch!

"Big...Big brother...Small mouth is cheap, just say something nonsense, big brother, don't take it to heart!"

One of them was swinging his legs, looking at the bald-headed man who was close at hand, kneeling on his knees with spinelessness, and talking softly in his mouth. The other was the same, his body was like chaff, his face was like earthy color. Time is too scared to say a word!

"You guys...!" The strong bald man laughed coldly, raising the steel knife in his hand, remembering something suddenly, and slowly putting it down.

"Your mouth is really cheap! Your mouth still smells so bad in the last days, is it safe for too long to forget your last name?

How can you stand here and say cold words, it's not that our human alliance and the members of the insect group fought those invaders with one shot! "

"Beasts like you are not worthy to live, but it would be a shame to kill you directly!"

The bald man's eyes were full of killing intent, and he waved to the side of his men, pointed to the two people who were kneeling on the ground with horror, and said, "Send them to Yao Sen and let him use all his skills. All the punishments are used once, and I will give the restorative potions bald!"

"No! No! I really know that I was wrong! Let me go! I won't dare to say such things again next time, please let me go!"

The man kneeling and crying and begging for mercy slapped his cheeks with a slap, but even if he swelled his face, the two insect group members who were equally murderous dragged him towards the dungeon. , No sympathy for his thoughts at all!

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