Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1522: Zhou Ying sees Wang Mang

Once these two low-mouthed supernaturalists enter the dungeon, there is still a reason to live out. The dungeon under the Gushan City Square is in charge of Yao Sen.

Yao Sen is the notorious leader of the action team. When humans and cultivators were fighting each other, he had killed an unknown number of spies and traitors in this square, and his reputation could even stop children from crying at night!

A few people in the onlookers felt a wave of sorrowful sympathy for the death of rabbits and foxes, and they just thought of sarcasm, perhaps because their voices were so small that they hadn’t heard them, or they hadn’t even spoken out yet... this **** and terrifying end had already come. They are terrified!

More people still face fear and panic. As the only violent law enforcement agency in Gushan City, the insect group resists here, just waiting to die stupidly!

With dense bone nails on her back, Zhou Ying, with her limbs strung with chains, could not help but move her cold iron face, hearing the noise of the crowd.

The cold steel covered his vision, but his sensitive ears still allowed him to hear what was going on. He said something in a vague voice, and then shook his head again.

The two men in black who escorted him watched Zhou Ying's weird behavior, and their expressions were suddenly nervous. With a ‘swish’, the long knives attached to their waists slammed, and they were about to get out of their sheaths.

But seeing him continue to step forward honestly, the two looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief, but the hand holding the hilt of the knife still clenched tightly.

"The chief has been waiting for you for a long time, hurry up!" Standing at the entrance of the dungeon, Fu Wendao rubbed Chang Hu with an anxious expression. Seeing Zhou Ying being escorted by, he hurriedly said.

‘Wow! Wow! The heavy iron chain dragged on the icy stairs, Zhou Ying walked very slowly, but the man in black and Fu Wendao who escorted him only frowned at him, and the speed of walking also slowed down.

Fortunately, the stairs in this dungeon are not long, and it takes only five or six minutes to reach the fourth floor underground.

‘Crunch! 'A steel gate half a meter wide brought a burst of dust and opened a small opening for only one person to pass through. Zhou Ying was conscious, and she just nodded slightly when looking at the steel gate, and honestly followed the black clothes that escorted him. People walked in.

"Master, Zhou Ying has been here!" As soon as Fu Wendao stepped forward, he trot to the side of Wang Mang who was sitting on a wooden chair quietly drinking tea, and pointed to Zhou Ying, the prisoner who was chiseled by bone nails and bound by iron chains. !

Hearing this, Wang Mang quietly sipped the chewing gum, and looked up at Zhou Ying, whose face was covered with iron. He put the tea cup on the coffee table beside him and waved his hand casually.

"Open his iron face, I want to see what Zhou Ying looks like with two outstanding stand-ins!"

"Yes! Chief!" Two men in black with gloomy eyes heard the command. One grabbed the iron-faced steel channel embedded in Zhou Ying's head, and the other tightly hooked the iron-faced chin. This is also the most interesting thing about this torture tool. local.

No one can use one person's power to remove the iron face from his face. If there is no special force technique on the only iron face buckle, this iron face ordinary person would not be able to uncover it!

‘Kara! The steel trough was pulled out, and a burst of scarlet blood was splashed. Zhou Ying's true face that had appeared twice was once again revealed in front of Wang Mang!

"It's amazing! There is no difference! Zhou Ying, your double can really be called lifelike! Amazing!" Looking at Zhou Ying's slightly pale face, Wang Mang stood up from the wooden chair with great appreciation and stood to drum him. Applause!

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