Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1523: Asking for a substitute

"Master Wang Mang is absurd! Little Zhou Ying can't afford your praise!" Zhou Ying's face was pale, listening to Wang Mang's words, the corners of her mouth were accustomed to showing a smile, those two rows of snowy white and cold teeth were still so harsh. People hate...

"No, no, no, Zhou Ying, you are too modest. Although you have played tricks on me twice, I still admire your methods. I can't do better than you if I am replaced by a substitute that is the same as a human body!"

Wang Mang said, his tone was paused, and he sat back on the wooden chair, holding the tea in his hand, took a sip, looked at Zhou Ying's eyes, and suddenly shot two fierce rays of light.

"I appreciate your methods, but it doesn't mean that I am not angry at your tricks. In this world, no one has lied to me Wang Mang twice in a row!

What is even more hateful is..... How did your two doubles look at me before they died? ! ridicule? fling in teeth! Do you still think that I'm not too arrogant? ! "

Zhou Ying burst into laughter when he heard this, "Master Wang Mang looked carefully. I have never underestimated you, the leader of the Human Alliance, the ‘Emperor’ of the Insect Group.

I know... as long as there is a problem with one aspect of my plan, then I will be the fish on your chopping board, Lord Wang Mang. "

"It's also my carelessness. I didn't expect Master Wang Mang that you have a lot of elites in the insect group. The sky-shielding methods that I have developed over several years have been seen by your members... His nose is really better than a dog!"

"Haha!" Wang Mang couldn't help but sneer. This Zhou Ying said that he didn't know the height of the sky, or he was really not afraid of death. At this time, he was still making fun of himself? !

"Let me guess, is your body a stand-in?!"

Wang Mang squinted his eyes, stood up and walked towards Zhou Ying. Wang Mang's **** left hand was directly slashed away, and the hideous black worm pattern was printed on the center of his palm.

A wisp of Wang Mang's power penetrated into his worm pattern, and the surging energy in the worm pattern immediately resisted and became violent. An ugly and ugly-looking female insect roared and stared at it through the power. Wang Mang.

"Well! It's not a stand-in this time, the female worm looks very energetic!"

As Wang Mang spoke, he smiled and dissipated the energy that had penetrated into Zhou Ying's insect pattern, and waved to the men next to him, asking them to give Zhou Ying a stool to sit down!

"Master Wang Mang, just tell me if you have anything...but I have a habit of waiting to be honest when I smoke!" Zhou Ying sat on the stool with a golden sword, and looked at Wang Mang slantingly.

"Bastard! Don't go too far! How dare you talk to the master like this!"

Fu Wendao's chest was violently ups and downs, and his slender beard was messed up with anger. He stretched out one hand and pointed at Zhou Ying with trembling fingers. The anger on an old face could hardly be contained!

"Hey!" Wang Mang waved his hand to Fu Wendao behind him, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and threw it to Zhou Ying with a faint smile, "Zhou Ying, can you tell the truth this time?"

Zhou Ying took out a cigarette, picked up the lighter on the ground and lit it, took a sip, and exhaled a mouthful of turbid smoke with a comfortable expression.

"Lord Wang Mang, if you want to know, just ask."

"How did you make your double?!" Wang Mang's eyes showed a hint of curiosity.

He doesn't care about the black waistband, and there are still a few insect masters in the world that he does not care so much, but the only thing that makes him confused is the two mysterious doubles of Zhou Yingxuanzhi!

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