Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1524: Imminent execution

"Stand-in?!" Zhou Ying murmured twice with a cigarette in his hand. He brushed the ashes and frowned:

"My two stand-in bodies are made of puppets as skeletons, and the flesh and blood of people who have just died are used as the filling flesh. As for the core that drives the stand-in, it is a special kind of bug I made..."

Wang Mang listened quietly, his brows almost twisted together, "You said that you used the method of a bug master to drive the double? Then why did I never see the smell of bugs when I contacted your double?!"

Zhou Ying smiled slightly, the smoke seemed to irritate his throat, ‘cough cough! He coughed violently and smiled and showed two rows of cold teeth.

"Master Wang Mang, the worms I used to infuse the stand-in have used my heaven-shielding technique. The worm-like breath is already weak, so try to cover the heavens again. The flesh and blood are already integrated.

Don’t say it’s you, even if it’s me, I won’t find the bugs infused after the operation! "

After listening to Zhou Ying's words, Wang Mang didn't say much, he just pondered for a moment, and his sharp eyes fell on his face.

"My Wang Mang insect master's road barely went smoothly, but you Zhou Ying made me have to admire you, you can be regarded as using the insect master's ability to the extreme!"

If Wang Mang’s path of the Mushishi was to climb steep mountain peaks and cross the turbulent long river, then Zhou Ying’s path was to build a wide road between these difficult and dangerous mountains and rivers.

Every insect is made from scratch, it is by no means as simple as verbal, even if Wang Mang uses only a few insects!

Hearing Wang Mang's praise, Zhou Ying also grinned, "Master Wang Mang, you should know! It is not easy to create a kind of insect that suits you and is useful.

I have experimented thousands of times over the years, and tens of thousands of gu urns have been blown up by my use. Of course, because of this research, my strength is not better than you! "

Wang Mang waved his hand and said directly: "I can't say that you are taking the wrong path, but this is the end of the world. I use the methods of the Mushishi, but I will also use other methods that can save my life and increase combat effectiveness!"

"Ho!" Zhou Ying's face showed a rare look of hideousness, "Master Wang Mang, you are no longer pure as a bug master. The bug master is the most noble ability in the world. How can the rest of the ability compare with us? ratio?!

As long as my idea is successful, the future of this world must belong to our insect master! "

A frantic smile oozes from Zhou Ying's face. He is not only a lunatic with amazing ideas, but also a paranoid with super execution!

Wang Mang shook his head faintly. It's really hard to tell which of the two paths is right or wrong, but now, Zhou Ying is his prisoner! "Mushishi, I will go on forever. As for you...I can't keep it!"

"This huge world is just a gu urn, and ten insect masters can only live one in the end...You also understand these things, don't let me repeat them!"

"I understand! I understand!" Zhou Ying smiled and nodded, "Master Wang Mang, I was caught by you this time, so I didn't plan to leave alive. Let's go and take me to execution!"

After Zhou Ying finished speaking, she squeezed out the cigarette butt, her pale face did not smile as usual, and in front of death, he returned to a trace of seriousness.

Suddenly he stood up, fixed his eyes on Wang Mang, and said in a special tone: "Master Wang Mang, although I died today, I am still alive'tomorrow'!"

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