Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1525: Zhou Ying's death

Zhou Ying left an unclear message, and was escorted by the members of the insect team and walked out. Wang Mang listened carefully to Zhou Ying's last words and squinted his eyes.

Zhou Ying's words were rather mysterious, but he didn't take it to heart. If everyone died, what other storm could he cause?

‘Wow! Wow! A heavy iron chain dragged on the cold ceramic tiles, and a torture instrument stained with purple and black blood and a fishy smell came into Zhou Ying's eyes.

Two pairs of powerful hands firmly clamped on his shoulders, and forced his neck into the iron ring of the torture instrument!

The icy iron ring was tightly embedded on Zhou Ying's neck, and a piece of goose bumps appeared on his skin. This was a human physiological reaction and could not represent Zhou Ying's emotions at this time!

If a person is facing death, will he be afraid or panic? This question does not need to be answered at all.

Every living person is the same before death. They will be hesitant and confused, but very few people can temporarily overcome this with firm consciousness.

Zhou Ying is obviously this kind of person. He doesn't believe in religion, but he has a firm belief. His last words reflect this. In the face of death, he is obviously better than most people!

His body was in a distorted posture under the restraint of the torture instrument, but his face had an indifferent expression.

‘Puff’ a bowl of hot wine was drunk by the man in black and then spit out, the long narrow, cold and bright knife reflected a cold light, and the ancient ceremony of the hot wine stained on the blade was regarded as giving Zhou Ying the last trace of respect!

The black-clothed man with the knife suddenly flashed with cold light in his eyes, and his murderous aura suddenly exploded, "Huh!" The turbulent blood spurted as a head fell, and his stiff and strange limbs suddenly twisted and shuddered.

But within a few moments, the trembling legs became soft and collapsed, and his arms were hanging weakly on the ground. Zhou Ying, dead, this time is not a stand-in, he is really dead!

"Chief! The prisoner has been beheaded!" The man in black, with a few drops of blood on his chest, bowed his head respectfully and stood in front of Wang Mang, quietly telling the prisoner's passing.

Listening to the description of the man in black, Wang Mang seemed to have seen the indifferent expression on Zhou Ying’s face before his death. The reason why he didn’t see Zhou Ying beheading with his own eyes is to give respect to the profession of Mushishi. Zhou Ying is a qualified person. Mushishi is the same type of person as himself.

"Master, do you want to find the worms that control the double in Zhou Ying?! Those little worms are probably in the worm pattern in his palm!"

Wang Mang groaned a little, and sighed faintly, "I will get the mother worm and those worms..."

With his drooping left hand hanging on the ground, Wang Mang glanced at the headless corpse, then withdrew his gaze, opened his palm, the ferocious worm seemed to roar into the void, and the black insect pattern appeared mysterious and special.

Wang Mang grasped the corpse's left hand, his palm pressed against the worm pattern, and suddenly the supernatural energy in his body that seemed to be like a vast river burst out instantly.

Surging, it is too simple to pour the strong power of the supernatural energy into the dead insect pattern of a master.

The supernatural energy mixed with mental power was poured in almost without any hindrance. Wang Mang used his mental power to see Zhou Ying's insect pattern space clearly!

A fat and fierce female insect has not died yet, a pair of mung bean-sized insect eyes can still see a strong murderous intent!

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