Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1527: Minister replacement

In a spacious conference room, the high-powered air conditioner buzzed and vibrated for two days, and the warm air was constantly blowing. A dozen men sat at the table without saying a word, and the momentum was very stagnant.

‘True! Tuk! Wang Mang's fingers were bent, his knuckles tapped on the wooden table regularly, a pair of sharp eyes swept over everyone present, "Why don't you speak anymore?! They all talk about their opinions on this matter!"

The atmosphere was a bit cold. Several of the people present couldn't help lowering their heads, and the others also looked guilty. Wang Mang suddenly sneered when he looked at the crowd.

With a'bang', he slammed the table with his left hand, and roared: "What do you all eat?! Do you want me to teach you to garrison the ruins of the city of cultivators?! You forgot about the tragic battlefield? ?!

Hundreds of thousands of people died in the Human Alliance, and thousands of elites in our worm group died. Are their lives in vain? ! More than a dozen cultivators suddenly appeared. Tell me where did you come from? !

Do you still want me to take you to find and take a look? ! "

Wang Mang flipped through the reports on the desktop that recorded the details of the incident. The sneer at the corner of his mouth gradually revealed a wave of anger. Of the dozen or so cultivators who appeared, nine were killed, and three fled and disappeared? !

What does the Shadow Department eat? ! Are the tens of thousands of capable members all furnishings? !

Wang Mang's eyes flashed, and he turned to Lei Lin, the current Minister of Intelligence, who was also an old man in the insect group.

He was one of the members when he established the Dragon City Insect Group. The intelligence department has been developing well over the years, but the department’s organizational structure is still a bit chaotic!

"Lei Lin!" Wang Mang called out to him. Lei Lin, who was about 35 years old, looked up at Wang Mang who was full of anger with some fear. He immediately stood up and lowered his head to admit his mistake.

"I'm sorry, boss! The failure to discover the problem with this circle in time is the negligence of my intelligence minister, and my subordinates are willing to bear all punishment!"

Wang Mang looked at him, squinted his eyes, and did not lightly reveal it as usual. The three cultivators who suddenly appeared this time fled, and the biggest responsibility lies with the Intelligence Department.

The first-hand news also needs Yao Sen's action team to pass it on to himself? What does this organization specializing in intelligence collection do? !

"Leylin, you are also an old man in the worm group. I know that you have been working hard over the years and have suffered a lot of dark injuries in the battle. The Intelligence Department will temporarily be in charge of others.

I have arranged for you to go to Nandie City to rest for a while, and it will not be too late to work for the organization when your body recovers. "

Wang Mang's words were no less than a thunder strike to Lei Lin. In this warm meeting room with a temperature of twenty-five-five-five cents, a drop of cold sweat oozes out of his forehead.

His eyes widened in disbelief, and his lips moved twice, but in the end he didn't say a word.

He knew that the decision made by Wang Mang was irreversible, what could he say at the moment? Leylin seemed to be ten years old in an instant.

He raised his head and smiled and promised: "The leader is right. I have indeed suffered a lot of dark injuries over the years. It's time to take care of it. Thank you for your compassion!"

Wang Mang nodded slightly, no emotions could be seen on his face, "The country cannot be without a king for a day, and this department cannot be without a minister for a day. It is better to hit the sun if you choose a day, Yao Sen, you will be in charge of the intelligence department!"

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