Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1528: Yao Sen's troubles

Yao Sen is in charge of the Intelligence Department? ! It seemed a bit abrupt when the news was brought up on this occasion and at this time, but everyone present was only slightly surprised, and even accepted the decision.

Among the senior cadres of the Intelligence Department, Yao Sen is indeed the most capable and outstanding one. Everyone basically thinks that Yao Sen will be the next minister, but he did not expect this decision to come so quickly!

"Do you have any opinions on Yao Sen's appointment as Minister?" Wang Mang looked around the crowd with sharp and deep tiger eyes, his tone cold and cold.

There was no sound, everyone couldn't help raising their right hand in agreement.

Wang Mang nodded slightly, "Then it is decided that Yao Sen will be in charge of the Intelligence Department in the future!"

"The three cultivators who fled, I will give you five days! The Intelligence Department and the Shadow Department will act together! If you can't kill or arrest the three of them, you will come to me and receive the punishment at that time!"

After Wang Mang finished speaking, he turned around and left. When the door was closed, several of the dozen people present let out a sigh of relief.

The newly appointed Yao Sen smiled at the corners of his mouth, arched his hands at everyone, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your agreement. I will help each other in the future. If you need me Yao Sen, please mention it, I will definitely try to help!"

Seeing this, Lei Lin, the former intelligence minister, showed a strong smile with a tired and old face. He patted Yao Sen on the shoulder, encouraged him with a few words, and then opened the door and left. His back was a little rickety and a little sad... ...

"Minister Yao Sen, let's discuss the arrest of the three cultivators who flee. It takes five days to find three cultivators from this huge Huaxia. How easy is it to say?

If they hide in the deep mountains and old forests, how shall we find them? ! Ugh....."

A leader of the Shadow Department sighed faintly, with a frown on his face. He knew the difficulty of catching a fugitive. Now there are hundreds of wanted criminals in rebel gathering places running around.

"These three fleeing cultivators want to arrest them, saying that it is not easy, nor is it difficult to say.

When they appeared from the ruins of the city of cultivators, their aura would definitely be left there. It took a couple of days to find them after spending a lot of money to buy a few aura trackers from the stele! "

A cadre in charge of the department’s finances raised his hand tremblingly, swallowed his saliva and looked at Yao Sen and said, "That... Minister, our department’s operating funds are running low, and there are... more than seven million dollars left. ...

A breath tracker costs 2 million golden dragon coins, because a dozen cultivators appear together, at least a dozen units must be purchased at the same time to track these dozen similar breaths... this sum of money definitely counts. A huge sum of money. "

"How come there are so few?!" Yao Sen's brows wrinkled all at once. He came from the Intelligence Department. The newspaper offices all over China are a magical tool for collecting gold. He said that he can't get too much gold every day. Maybe there is only such a small amount of funds in the department? !

"Your Excellency, the newspaper's finances are almost independent of our intelligence department... Now the way our department is profitable is almost entirely based on the commission of issuing rewards and the income from trading intelligence."

After listening to the words of the cadre, Yao Sen's smiling face suddenly became serious, and he felt helpless.

Who can let other departments fail, especially the decision-making department and the shadow department, these two departments are almost entirely dependent on the funds provided by the newspaper and the income from the sale of weapons in Nandie City!

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