Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1530: Fight

"Brother, what should we do now!" In the depths of a lake full of scales and waves, three cultivators dressed in blue robes and worries on their faces are hiding behind a rock. Humans searching for weapons on the shore.

They have not dared to show their heads in the lake these days, and even their breathing problems are solved by the magic weapon of storing air. If this continues, even if they are not searched, they will be forced out of the lake!

"What else? Keep lurking! Maybe these people will leave today!" The older cultivator frowned and said with a irritable expression. This group of humans really refused to let them go. what! The dozen or so senior brothers who came together now only have three of them left, and just like that, they still want to kill them!

"Brother, you see they are building shack! It seems that they are planning to stay by the lake for a long time!" The cultivator with a look of astonishment pointed to the busy humans on the shore and watched them build tents and start a bonfire. There was a wave of despair in his heart, is it destined to be arrested? !

"It really doesn't work, let's fight with them! I think their strength is not strong, there are more than a dozen ordinary people, brother, let's take advantage of the night, directly attack them, and go straight to the jungle!"

The older cultivator glanced at the vocalist coldly, "What do you think we can rely on for lurking till now?! Isn't it just that we haven't been found by this group of humans? Once we kill them, our The traces will be exposed. When the time comes, thousands of supernaturalists will enclose all the tens of miles around this area, like a fishing net, gradually tightening, even if we hide, no matter how good we are, it will be It was found!"

"Oh!" The cultivator who made the suggestion sighed helplessly. He changed his posture and prepared to rest on the reef for a while. It was also a coincidence that a huge monster fish just reached the cultivator with its tail. In front of him, he waved his hand irritably, and the strange fish ran away in a panic.

Xu is the strange fish's brain capacity is not large, his half-meter-long huge body went straight to the surface, ‘poof! 'The strange fish flew out of the lake, and everyone on the shore glanced subconsciously. When they saw it was a fish, their nervous expression suddenly relaxed. They couldn't help but imagine that if the fish became a cultivator, it would be fine. Up!

The head of the sturdy, imposing wild group looked at the fat strange fish, and he was a little hungry in his belly. He waved his hand at the men next to him, and commanded: "Xiao Zhou, you are good at water powers, hurry up. Get some fatty fish for my brothers, and we will roast them over the campfire tonight!"

"Okay! Boss, you're up to me!" The young man in his early twenties responded with a smile, a pattern on his body flashed, and hundreds of water arrows were created out of thin air, ‘huh! call out! call out! The water arrow suddenly shot into the bottom of the water, and the three cultivators lurking in the lake were suddenly shocked.

"Brother, that group of humans have found us, let's fight it!!" The man gritted his teeth and yelled, and pulled out the knife in excitement. At this moment, a water arrow suddenly scratched his shoulder. !

There was also a ruthless look in the eyes of the senior, and he drew out his long sword and roared directly, "Kill!" All of a sudden, three figures rushed out of the water and rushed directly to the people on the shore!

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