Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1531: Or be a prisoner

The sparkling calm lake suddenly blew up three waves, and the moment the three sword-holding cultivators with desperate faces jumped out of the water, their powerful spells suddenly spurred them, a huge evil that was fierce and fierce. The dragon is condensed from hundreds of tons of lake water.

The ferocious fangs, the lifelike dragon claws, the most vivid thing is the unabashed cruelty in the dragon eyes!

"Roar!" A roar that stunned the mountains and forests, the huge dragon body of the water dragon suddenly swayed, leaping out of the lake, and hitting everyone on the shore! The three people who were still full of desperate faces before suddenly turned into running water and disappeared into the lake.

"Damn!" The water dragon roared, scaring the head of the field regiment on the shore with a bonfire to his senses. He slammed the dry wood in his hand, and the flesh on his face suddenly violent.

"Om!" A saber that was two meters away suddenly appeared, and the muscles of his right arm swelled, facing the rushing water dragon and rushed straight!

"Five million golden dragon coins! Where are you going?!" Roaring with incomparable anger, the group of long swords turned, and the broad blade smashed on the head of the water dragon fiercely!

‘Puff! The dragon's head turned into tons of lake water and burst into pieces. When the dragon's body wanted to condense again, a dozen knives smashed the remaining dragon's body to pieces!

"Brothers! Follow me! The first person to follow the cultivator will reward one million golden dragon coins!"

The shore is a resource, gold coins fight dozens of sloppy guys on the front line, and their eyes suddenly shoot out a vicious red light like a wolf. If you take this money, then you can't die happily? !

"Kill! I will find these three cultivators even if I fight for a handicap today!!"

"Leader! My old grandson had to fight for this life to find these three beasts. If anything goes wrong with me! I will give you all the 1 million Golden Dragon Coins, and you will help me take care of my teenage boy. Son! Lao Tzu has a future for him!"

Everyone roared, carrying the weapons in their hands and rushing towards the deep mountains and old forests, the lake that the three cultivators had transformed into the forest directly!

"Boom!" The fire was everywhere, and a terrifying explosion caused by a black water ghost mine directly blasted a pond two or three times the size of a pit. The water in the original pond was evaporated by the explosion, swept away, and only left. A small patch of muddy water at the bottom of the pond.

"Damn, it's not here either! I wasted a water ghost and thunder!" "Monkey, there is a swamp in the east, let's go there and try again, they are definitely nearby, they can't run far!"

The conversation of a group of supernaturalists clearly spread to the ears of the three people hiding in the hole of a giant tree. They spit out a sigh of foul breath with palpitations. After the voice faded away, the three people's tight bodies Relaxed a little.

"Brother, it's not a problem for us to hide like this. At most three or five days, we will definitely be caught by this group of supernatural beings, or... shall we surrender and be prisoners?"

The older cultivator was very angry when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but sneer: "Junior, what era is this now?! Almost all of our cultivators are dead! What use are those supernatural abilities reserved for us? It’s nothing more than to inquire about the sect. When we are finished, what value is there for us!"

"Senior Brother! Didn't the Senior Uncle Blood Horse use the secret technique to pass the news to the sect before he died? I heard that there is a team of cultivators that mixes well?!"

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