Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1532: Catch alive

"You don't know what will happen to their family?!" The senior brother glanced at the speaking junior, and sneered disdainfully:

"I tell you, it is the elders who blocked this news. The elders know the specific names of those people. Do you know why you don't announce it directly?"

"Brother, why?!" The two young cultivators asked curiously at the same time.

The brother pursed his lips and pointed to the Taoist robes on the two of them, "They are traitors.

But think about it again. Although they are traitors, after all, they were originally one of our cultivators. How would human beings in this world treat them? "

"If we can successfully transmit this time, it means that the magic circle can still be used! When the Penglai ancestor leaves the barrier, the magic circle can only be restored before turning over.

At that time, we will pour in again and use the family of the traitors as a bargaining chip. When the time comes, we should be in and out. This world must belong to us! "

"Hiss--!" A certain cultivator hissed, and couldn't help but exclaim, "Brother, what if the group of traitors don't believe it?"

"Don't believe it?! The head swears by the law of five thunders that they believe it or not?" The senior brother glanced at the two of them and said: "For the victory of the war, we must unite all the forces that can be fought. You don't understand this? Usually Zangshu Pavilion Don't you go?"

The two looked at each other and smirked at each other, "Brother, we succeeded in exploring the way this time. When will the old ancestor of Penglai leave? If it's three or five months, we will all be dead!"

The senior shook his head faintly, "No matter what, go ahead and survive. I have already sent a message to the head with the ruyi that the school gave me. The head already knows that the circle is not destroyed. When the ancestor leaves the barrier, At the very least, our credit can be exchanged for a Heaven-Rank Cultivation Technique!"

"Then let's..." Before the words were finished, there was a bang, and the trunk of the giant tree burst and splashed. A sturdy man with a sturdy figure, a sturdy face, and a fierce face appeared. In front of the three people.

'collapse! He slammed the saber in his hand, grinning and looked at the three people in front of him, "Little beasts, Grandpa finally found you!"

"Om!" The broad blade brought a strong wind to the senior brother's face. The hollow giant tree couldn't withstand such a strong damage. It was scraped by the knife and collapsed immediately.

"Damn it!" Facing this mighty knife, the senior yelled angrily, and was caught off guard by calling out the long sword to block the blow.

‘Zheng! 'The long sword broke, and his wrists became bruised and swollen. The three of them turned into running water again, and quickly penetrated into the mud. The stubborn man roared angrily, and the saber in his hand slashed fiercely against the flowing water. Several times!

"Ah!" With a scream, the red blood dyed red and flowed away, and under the careless man counted his knives, half of a cultivator's arm was left on the ground!

"Want to escape?! Where can you escape?!" The stubborn guy stomped the ground, and dozens of supernaturalists within a radius of one hundred meters bombarded the ground with long-charged energy.

Just like an earthquake, the moist soil was directly lifted off by this powerful energy, and a hundred-meter crater appeared immediately.

"Brother! We can't escape!!!" The cultivator who had broken one arm cried, and the body of the flowing water seemed to have lost its strength and gradually condensed into flesh.

"Chong! Catch the cultivator alive!"

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