Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1533: Handover prisoners

A four-day arrest operation ended with the arrest of three cultivators. In this operation, the insect group dispatched as many as 10,000 members from various ministries.

The Human Alliance sent a total of 35,000 elites, plus the supernaturalists who joined the action for bounty in the gathering places, the trio of people used the power of almost one hundred thousand supernaturalists!

"Sir! I caught this person, the bounty...when can it come down?"

The sturdy, stubborn and wild head of the wild group leaned close to a literary middle-aged man with a smile on his face, and his big rough hands quietly held a gold ticket with a large denomination, and secretly stuffed it in. In the middle-aged man's wide sleeves.

"En!" There was a smile on the middle-aged man's serious face, his slender fingers rubbed the numbers on the gold ticket, just a random touch, and the few odds made his attitude friendly.

He patted the head of the group on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You guy has done a good job, and the bounty will come down tomorrow. Then go to the newspaper to get it!"

"Thank you, sir! When I get the bounty, Zhou Yi will set up a table in the Phoenix Building, and I ask the sir to show his face!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand noblely, "Don’t want to thank me. It’s your ability to seize these three cultivators. It’s my duty to pay rewards. I don’t have to set the table. If you really want to thank me, you can do more. The newspaper provides some information!"

"Yes, yes! What the chief said!" Zhang Yi rubbed his big rough hands, and the corners of his mouth were almost close to his ears. "Sir, should I **** these three little beasts to the newspaper?!"

"No!" The middle-aged man shook his head, "Count the time, the action team should also be here..."

As soon as the words fell, a dozen ghostly men in black appeared on the branches of the surrounding trees, a figure of a man in black with a waist-hip long knife and gloomy eyes flashed, and appeared in front of the two in the next moment.

His sullen eyes swept across the cultivator whose limbs were tightly locked by chains, and finally a light flashed in his eyes.

"Leave it to us now! You leave immediately!" The man in black disregarded the face of the middle-aged man and many members of the field team, walked to the side of the three cultivators, and began to drive away!

The middle-aged man who was about to say a few words withdrew the smile on his face, turned stiffly and patted Zhou Yi's arm, "Let's go, this is from the Shadow Department, let's leave!"

"Number two, number eleven, number thirty-fifth! You **** these three cultivators, and the others secretly escort! Notify the other members of the team to come to District D 17!"

The indifferent order was passed quickly to the places in this deep mountain and old forest with several disappearing black silhouettes. At this time, the search team of tens of thousands of people also received the order in the walkie-talkie: the action is complete, you can evacuate!

"Sir, are the people in the Shadow Department very good? The action team of our Intelligence Department is better than that?" Zhou Yi asked curiously.

He is an intelligence officer under the Ministry of Intelligence. As long as he provides more than a dozen important pieces of information a month, he can receive a salary of five hundred golden dragon coins. He is not restricted, and he can earn a large amount of golden dragon coins. This job allows him to Can't be satisfied anymore.

Now he has a question in his heart, isn't the wealthy intelligence department the toughest department in the worm group?

The middle-aged man listened to Zhou Yi’s words around him and couldn’t help but snorted coldly: “That’s the black team of the Shadow Department just now. They are among the elites selected by the whole organization from all over the place. It’s normal for them to be a little arrogant, but still Isn't it asking our newspaper to use money to support it? I really don't know what to drag!"

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