Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1554: meet

"Oh, this young master, you are so mighty in figure, but you look a little bit shy. I don't know if there is a familiar artist in the building. If not, the old woman will arrange one for you?"

He was in his early forties, with a pair of curved eyebrows, and a smile on his face. The charming old bustard leaned on Zhang Nan's side and rubbed Zhang Nan's arm twice.

Zhang Nan’s indifferent eyes suddenly turned, staring straight at the smiling old bustard beside her. Her face was coated with a thick foundation, which looked white, but the corners of her eyes and neck wrinkles were It can't hide it.

Zhang Nan, who was anxious to see Xiaohe, was not looking for her mold now, but he turned away and looked around and said coldly: "Old bustard! Where is Xiaohe?"

"Xiaohe?!" The old bustard in his early forties frowned suddenly, looking at Zhang Nan with a trace of doubt on his face.

The woman named Xiaohe is a mediocre and mediocre artist in her hand. Except for Pipa who talks well, she is far worse than her top name in Zuihualou in all aspects!

"Oh! Master! It's really unfortunate that you came here. Xiaohe seems to be infected with the wind and cold, and is unwell. I'm afraid I can't play music for adults. Why don't you change someone? My oiran Shao Hong hasn't played for anyone today. Well, why don't you try Shaohong, Master?"

Although the old bustard had doubts in his heart, he still had to do business, not to mention, that Xiaohe's soullessness in the past month made the faces of several old customers feel a little uneasy.

"You said Xiaohe was sick?! What did you do to eat?! The girls under your care are not well taken care of!"

Zhang Nan scolded for no reason, frightening the old bustard. She looked at the burly Zhang Nan in a daze, as if suddenly remembering something, the expression on her face gradually became a little angry.

"Okay! Which prince do I be! It turned out to be Zhang Nan, you little beast! You haven't seen you for more than a month, but you have changed a lot! I don't know if your wallet is still empty?!"

"Old stuff! I don't beat women! I'm here today to redeem Xiao He! If you dare to speak out, I will demolish this drunk flower building!"

Zhang Nan's ruthless eyes exuded a trace of bloodthirsty redness. After the experiment, he was greatly affected by insects. In his eyes, irrelevant human life was nothing more than a corpse!

The old bustard was taken aback by his ferocious appearance, and the courage he had bulged up before was immediately exhausted.

Although she is just an ordinary person, the Drunken Flower House she manages has a lot of supernatural powers coming and going. This violent and surging aura of Nan's body has only been seen in the bodyguard of the city lord!

"Hurry up and call out Xiaohe! I won't see her in five minutes! You drunk flower building, I knocked it down with one punch, if you don't believe it, try it!"

Zhang Nan threatened, and Da Ma Jindao sat on a table in the hall. The young men who had been eating at this table were stared at by him, and they fled out like a fright.

"Quick! Get Xiaohe quickly!" The old bustard screamed out several maids under his opponent. Seeing them walking slowly, he picked up the skirts and ran towards the backyard like flying! Her drunk flower building must not collapse!

‘Ahem! After a while, a pale-faced girl with a delicate body hugged a pipa and walked quickly into the hall. The moment she saw Zhang Nan in her eyes, it brightened!

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