Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1555: Redemption

"Zhang Nan?" A slightly hoarse voice sounded, Xiao He, with a sickly pale complexion, held the pipa tightly with his slender, white hands, and looked at Zhang Nan in disbelief.

Although Zhang Nan's body was not weak, it was indeed thin! But the person in front of her is nearly two meters tall, and the brawny man with his arms full of bulging muscles will be the Zhang Nan she is thinking of!

"Zhang Nan...cough cough...this one has not seen you for more than a month, how could you become...this way?!"

Xiao Hedai frowned, her eyes like autumn water oozing with deep worry, she hurried two steps closer, her cheeks pale because of the cold, and a sickly flush was reflected at this time.

Zhang Nan looked at Xiao He's appearance like a sick willow, his whole heart seemed to be picked up, he caressed Xiao He's cheek affectionately, and his voice was slightly trembling and whispered: "Xiao He... why are you sick? Now?..... It’s all my fault... This has worried you for more than a month..."

Xiao He looked at Zhang Nan's affectionate and worried expression. The physical pain seemed to be lighter for a moment. The corner of her mouth rose slightly in a curved arc, and her voice sweetly said:

"You little fool, who is worried about you? There are so many people watching in this hall. If you want to listen to the music, I will play it to you in the room!"

Zhang Nan immediately shook his head when he heard the words, "Xiaohe, you are all sick like this, how am I willing to let you play me a little song... Besides, I'm here to marry you home this time!! "

Xiaohe's bright eyes lit up suddenly, and a look of joy suddenly appeared on her face, and then the bright eyes were gloomy again, she lowered her head, and murmured a little cowardly:

"Zhang Nan, my ransom money is very expensive. If you have the money to marry a clean lady with a yellow flower, I don't deserve it."

"I don't! I'm going to marry you!" Zhang Nan's eyes stared like copper bells, and he said almost in a roaring volume:

"Xiaohe, I have gained a lot of wealth this month. Not only do I have the money to redeem you, but I also have the money to buy a house. What's more, I am no longer the one I used to be. I am standing here. The superpower at the top of the human pyramid."

After he finished speaking, a pair of **** eyes stared at the terrified old bustard, "You! Come here!" He shouted at the old bustard aggressively, and directly grabbed her collar and glared: "I want Redeem Xiaohe? Do you have an opinion?"

"No! No! Adults can marry Xiao He home. This is Xiao He's blessing. It's too late for me to be an Eminem. How can I have any opinions."

The whole body of the old bustard who was clinging to the collar tightly couldn't help trembling, and a fragile heart was beating fast. She was afraid that if she dared to say a word, she would be torn to pieces directly according to Zhang Nan's temperament.

Hearing the affirmative words of the old bustard, Zhang Nan nodded slightly, but the tone was still so bad: "Since you agree, then bring Xiaohe's deed. I will bring ten thousand golden dragon coins. One point. Lots of yours!"

"Yes, yes, I'll... just... go get it!" When he heard that the bully in front of him was willing to pay, the frightened heart of the old bustard seemed to ease a little, and he walked a pair full of sturdiness. Short legs, hurriedly ran towards the backyard of Zuihualou.

Zhang Nan couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth, rubbed Xiao He's head, and whispered softly:

"Xiaohe, when I marry you home, I want to stay with you every day, watch TV with you, and eat together. Let's do all the things you like together!"

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