Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1557: Crazy for love

"I also heard from Dr. Wang in the city. When he first treated Xiao He, he had already diagnosed that Xiao He had cholera.

This disease is like cutting meat with a slow knife, which is similar to cold and cold, but it can destroy the human immune system step by step. I heard from Dr. Wang that this disease is caused by abnormal changes in the free energy absorbed by the human body. . "

Photographed in Zhang Nan's fierce appearance, the old bustard paused, and then said: "But this disease is not incurable. Dr. Wang said, a member of the Human Alliance also got this disease.

He used the best medicine in the stele, the best pills he took, and various cherished supplements. It took a total of six or seven million Golden Dragon Coins to cure him. As for those who couldn’t get the money. people......"

When the old bustard said this, he stopped, but no one could understand what she meant. There are several people in the city who get cholera every month, but I haven't heard of any one that has been cured, none of them. The exceptions were suffering for months and dying on a sickbed.

"Six or seven million..." Zhang Nan muttered to himself without a sense of vision. He spared his life to become the experimental product of the nine-dead life before he obtained 20,000 gold dragon coins. Why is the price of the treatment of cholera so high? ....

"Zhang Nan! If you still like me, just listen to me, find a good girl and spend a lifetime with her, stop thinking about me, forget each other, and leave a good memory, isn't it?"

Xiao He pretended to be indifferent and angrily scolded Zhang Nan. He picked up the Pipa on the table and walked firmly towards the backyard.

She has decided not to see each other again... after all, she is already a dying person, what qualifications do she have to look forward to that beautiful love?

"There is a way! There must be a way!" Zhang Nan muttered to himself like a nerve. He stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes and stared blankly at everything around him. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his brain, human beings. alliance? Was it the organization that brought him to the experiment?

"Xiaohe! Come with me!" Zhang Nan yelled crazy looking at the gradual Xiaohe.

He quickly picked up Xiaohe's body with his hands crossed, and took out ten pieces of one-thousand denominations from the shirt. The glittering gold tickets were thrown into the stunned old bustard's arms, "Asshole! You let me go! Zhang Nan! I let me let go. You let me go!"

Xiaohe was struggling constantly on Zhang Nan's shoulders, but her strength as a weak woman could not be compared to Zhang Nan, who had completed her colonization.

I saw him who was as strong and vigorous as a tiger and leopard, with his toes hitting the ground, a few leaping quickly towards the direction of the space-time passage, Gushan City! The station of the Human Alliance is Gushan City!

"Xiaohe! I have a way to cure your disease. Do you know where I have been for more than a month? I have been staying in Gushan City. I will beg that adult, he must be able to save you. !"

"Let me down! Why did someone give you such a large sum of money for non-kindness to you! Zhang Nan, don't be stupid, let me down!"

The flushed Xiao He kept slapping Zhang Nan's back with his hands, but Zhang Nan was extremely determined at this time. Whether Xiao He agreed or not, he could not accept the result of her death!

"Xiao Nan! Hold back a bit, the time and space channel is almost here, seeing that adult, I will definitely convince him to save you, even if I sacrifice everything of my own, I must let you live!" Zhang Nan said firmly. Said.

His vigorous body rushed towards the entrance of the empty passage like a cheetah, and his guards just stared and froze, and did not even react.

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