Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1558: Please

"You said... let me save this girl? Give me a proper reason!"

Wang Mang is very powerful, leaning on a wooden chair made of lobular red sandalwood, with a large cloak of greasy gray bearskin on his broad shoulders, and between the index finger and **** of his left hand with a smoky smoke floating in it. Cigar.

He lifted the cigar and took a deep breath, the thick aroma of the burning tobacco circled in his mouth for a while, and then he was spit out slowly.

He narrowed his eyes and glanced at Zhang Nan, who was kneeling on the ground, without any mood swings on his face.

"My lord, you saved him, and that little life will be sold to you!" Zhang Nan tapped his forehead, his tone trembling... almost begging loudly.

‘Puff! "Yao Sen, who was standing by the side, couldn't help but sneered, and shook his head with some emotion, "Zhang Nan, do you know that your life belongs to our insect group?"

Which muscle and internal organ of your body is not a masterpiece of experimental energy transformation?

Do you know how many precious and rare healing potions we used on you during the time you were in a coma? If you really want to care about it, you won't be able to pay it off in your life! "

Yao Sen's fierce words silenced Zhang Nan who was kneeling on the ground.

It stands to reason that this is indeed the case. His storage ring was given by the insect group. The only remaining 10,000 gold dragon coins is the reward of the last experiment. Even his body does not really belong to him in the strict sense. my own.....

But he has nothing, but can Xiaohe's illness be delayed? Watching his favorite person be tortured again and again by the butcher knife of disease, his heart will be broken!

"My lord! As long as you take what I have, I just want Xiaohe to live healthy...even if...even if I sacrifice my life, it can be done!"

The firm and generous words made Wang Mang's eyes see a hint of indifference. Is this threatening himself? Use your life to threaten yourself to treat his girlfriend?

Yao Sen, who was standing by, had seen Zhang Nan upset for a long time, and now that he said this, he sneered in his heart.

Did this person's brain degenerate after the transformation? Can you say this too? ! Can sacrifice life? Isn't that if you don't treat your Xiaohe, you will threaten to die? !

"Please!" Zhang Nan gritted his teeth and slammed his forehead on the tiles. The red blood wetted the smooth marble, but Wang Mang, who was holding Erlang's legs and smoking a cigar, looked indifferent.

There are too many poor people in this world. If he sympathizes with every one of them, wouldn't he become a Virgin?

He only believes in equivalent exchange. I will help you transform your body and make your strength from weak to strong. You deserve to offer your loyalty, but now, loyalty has not been seen, but there is a lot of trouble.

Wang Mang moved his body leaning on the chair, took a sip of his cigar and groaned for a while and said: "Please, I won't sympathize with you, but since you are the only one with a successful colony, I will give it to you. You have a chance.

A piece of information was reported in the southeast region, and a new secret realm had appeared there, and the strangers in it were not easy to deal with.

You are responsible for slaughtering all the aliens above the fifth rank, and I will arrange to receive the remaining aliens. Can this task be accepted? ! "

Zhang Nan heard the words as if he heard the sound of nature. He raised his head overjoyed and looked at Wang Mang excitedly, "My lord, I can accept it! I will definitely complete this task!"

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