Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1561: Hidden purpose

"Chief, isn't the task you ordered for Zhang Nan too difficult? Originally, each committee sent at least 100 elite group secret missions to Zhang Nan alone...

To be honest, I question his ability very much. "Yao Sen frowned and said bluntly, and his words were full of dissatisfaction with Zhang Nan's contempt.

"What's more, before the experiment, Zhang Nan was just a Tier 2 low-level ability player. Even if the experiment is successful, his combat awareness, skills, etc. are far from the top powerhouse... .

Sorry boss.. I don't quite understand your intentions. "Zhang Nan bowed his head respectfully, expecting Wang Mang to give him an explanation.

Wang Mang smiled faintly, and patted the smooth armrest of the leather sofa with his right hand, "Yao Sen, do you have to take a longer-term view...

I sent Zhang Nan into the secret realm. Firstly, I hope that he can wipe out some reactionary strangers as close as possible, and secondly, I hope to get a good understanding of the powerful abilities of the colony. "

Wang Mang took a cigarette, his words paused, "Yao Sen, you need to know that the transformation of the bug man is the key to the development of my abilities. Its importance is self-evident. Don't try this clone bug. Human potential and the level of Chongren's transformation will increase quite slowly.

This Nan is a test product, he survives better, and the Chongren team can be led by him. If he doesn't survive, he should make a contribution to the transformation of the Chongren. "

Wang Mang's words were very plain, but there was a breath of blood in this calm speech. His original intention of releasing the mission was not to complete that Zhang Nan. His only purpose was to transform the insects.

It's like raising Gu, after constant experimentation, can the most perfect and fierce Gu worm be cultivated!

After listening to Wang Mang's explanation, Yao Sen raised his head and smiled happily. He hated Zhang Nan, he didn't understand the rules and couldn't help himself.

If it wasn't for his will to be a little stronger, then the power of the colony would not be his turn to have it. Why would such a vulgar and trash weak dare to be so arrogant to himself? !

Wang Mang glanced at Yao Sen, who was grinning and smiling, and tapped coldly: "Yao Sen, I know you are dissatisfied with Zhang Nan, but work is work, and personal grievances are personal grievances. I don’t want you to say this in front of me. Do you understand?"

When Yao Sen heard the words, a cold sweat oozes from his back, he lowered his head in a little panic, and said nothing. He has really been a little confused recently... completely not what a subordinate should be.

Looking at Yao Sen's appearance, Wang Mang nodded slightly, took another cigarette, and then stuffed the cigarette **** into the ashtray and squeezed it out.

In fact, he still has a hidden purpose and didn't tell anyone that the transformation of the bug man does not necessarily require a living person, but a corpse can!

As long as the soul can enter the body of the worm, that terrifying humanoid killing will be completed in an instant.

Even the bodies of these worms that have not been poured into their souls...also have the ability to fight. Although the minds of worms are simple, they are natural fighting geniuses.

A worm's body is controlled by a worm. Although it is not so flexible, as a strategic consumable, it is undoubtedly qualified!

At least hundreds of thousands of strangers live in a secret realm. If all their corpses are piled up, Wang Mang can at least cultivate a team of 50,000 worms! Who can resist this temptation? !

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