Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1562: Experiments' activities

Insect Man is a brand new technology, and even Wang Mang doesn't know where the upper limit of this technology is!

Just like when I was in the Hidden Dragon Secret Realm, the explosive locusts cultivated in the ring of insect mustards, piled up a lot of resources, and tried to experiment again and again.

Although the perfect fire locust has not been cultivated, the finished locusts finally obtained are all super locusts with strong vitality and fierce horror!

The Chongren experiment puts it bluntly. It’s just that the experimental body is changed to a human. Once the colony is reproduced, the colonial technology can be applied on a large scale. Even if the ancestor of Penglai did it himself, he had to weigh his old bones. Not hard enough!

"Has the sentry who entered the secret realm in advance come into contact with Zhang Nan?" Wang Mang leaned on the soft and comfortable leather sofa and murmured to Yao Sen with his head up.

Yao Sen nodded solemnly and waved with one hand. A strong blue light weaves and intersects in the air, quickly forming a light blue light curtain, and the image on the light curtain is slightly blurred and jittery.

But after a dozen or so moments, it slowly became clear. A humanoid monster with a black armor and a ferocious insect skull was sitting in the canopy of a huge tree.

Not far below him was an open space that was artificially cleared. There were bonfires in front of a few tents, and the curling smoke rose to the sky accompanied by the crackling of the firewood.

"Old Lu, we have had a good harvest this time. When we go back to find some girls, we will warm up a pot of Bigan wine and happily?"

The man in a dappled animal-skin vest lifted up the firewood from the bonfire, sat on a stone pier, smirked and winked at his companion next to him.

"I won't accompany you this time. You were lucky enough to hunt a tricolor deer, but I was miserable.

A total of several white and yellow chickens were caught, and the black knife that was just bought was bitten by wild pythons.....you can go and be cool by yourself, I won't accompany you this time! "

The talking man shook his head, obviously dissatisfied with the comparison of his gains and losses, the other man grumbled boredly, and was about to stand up to get some water.

But suddenly, his elven slender ears suddenly stood up, and he looked at the surrounding dense forest warily.

He stared with a pair of eyes, his whole body tensed, and his voice was deliberately lowered, and he screamed at his companion sitting by the campfire, "Old Lu, be on guard! There are enemies around!"

"Zheng!" The sharp long knife came out of the hole, and both of them looked at the silent forest around them as if they were facing an enemy.

This hidden monster may be a monster, or it may be an unfamiliar warrior from other tribes, but no matter what, ‘he’ must be very powerful! And it's the enemy!

"Old Lu! We have encountered a tough stubble this time. I will cover you and leave later, and Ama Amu will ask you to take care of it."

His companion fell silent a bit when he heard the words, and sullenly responded. He knew that it was not the time to be hypocritical, and no matter who was able to escape back in the end, the other party's parents were his own parents, and they would definitely support them until they were old.

The alien man wearing an animal skin vest was fierce in his heart and roared fiercely, and the long knife held in both hands was slashed in the direction of the most suspicious one!

‘Om! In the blink of an eye, the trembling Dao Gang smashed into a big tree in the sky, and the thick canopy crackled and exploded and fell to the ground.

The field of vision widened, but a sturdy black figure also fell into their eyes.

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