Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1564: waste

"Shasha~~~~!" The light curtain made a violent grating sound due to signal fluctuations.

The ring of doom that was inlaid with cat's eye gemstones on Yao Sen's finger was flashing with red light, and an anxious cry came out:

"Headquarters! Headquarters! I am the No. 146 intelligence agent, and the surveillance target is extremely unstable, showing signs of getting out of control."

The shouts from the Ring of Domination were loud, and Wang Mang, who was sitting on the leather sofa, naturally heard the rapid report clearly, and Yao Sen turned his head to look at Wang Mang.

Wang Mang's brows furrowed slightly, and then he relaxed again. He waved his hand indifferently, "Continue to monitor! Don't take any intervening actions."

Wang Mang's order was quickly passed through Yao Sen's mouth to the various intelligence agents in charge of monitoring Zhang Nan in the secret realm, and the heart they mentioned was slightly placed in their stomach.

The saber that was originally drawn out was re-sheathed, and the tight body slowly relaxed, and the gradually converging figure blended perfectly with the surrounding environment. Since the leader asked not to interfere, it was done.

They looked indifferently like a crazy monster beast, Zhang Nan who was gnawing at the corpse of a foreigner, he had turned into a monster, just like the zombies under Qian Xiaobai's.

When Zhang Nan, who was hungry and hungry, ate the two human-shaped corpses and left only broken and fragmented bones, his craving worm body finally became a little quieter. His cells were still hungry, but his will was enough to resist.

After a full meal, the scarlet bloodthirsty in Zhang Nanfu's eyes slowly faded away, and as a human reason once again occupied the dominance of the brain.

A strong sense of guilt and self-blame was involuntarily in his heart. He is a human being, and he has just gnawed at the body of the same kind like a beast! !

The nausea and nausea physiological reaction did not appear in his body, which made him hate his worm body for no reason.

It was like a beggar who was starving to death and stole two big greasy meat buns. Morality and dignity made him feel sick about the stolen food, but the saliva secreted in his mouth and the stomach acid tumbling in his stomach made him feel bad about it. The oily meat buns are full of desire.

After the meat buns are eaten, the satisfaction of a full stomach and the shame of the spirit have formed a strange entanglement.....

Wang Mang knocked on Erlang's leg, lit a cigarette, and spit out a mouthful of turbid smoke contemptuously as he watched the stabilized light screen.

This is the result of being constrained by one's own morality. The body violates the moral standards, but the spirit is full of remorse for one's actions. This is a situation that can only happen when the willpower is insufficient.

"The human figure is really complicated. When this Nan was subjected to the experiment, how tough his willpower was, even I admired it when I looked at it, but now, he can't even overcome the most basic appetite...

If it’s just that, it’s fine, but he was wrong in setting his moral lower limit too high. Is he still alone? Haven't it been clear what the position of the insect body is? "

Wang Mang chuckled contemptuously and continued to watch Zhang Nan's performance.

Perhaps the fusion of human soul and insect body is not so compatible. Without an external factor pushing the individual to accept and adapt to all of this, his performance will be the same as Zhang Nan. Such a person is trash in Wang Mang's eyes.

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