Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1565: moral

"Yao Sen will absorb those talented souls as soon as possible for some time to come, train them to become the backbone of our bug group, brainwash them artificially, and select so many experimental subjects from Quan Hua Xia. But the experimental results are still far from my expectations!"

Wang Mang frowned and sighed faintly. There is no way. The experimental subjects are selected on a large scale. The side effect of the successful experiment is the difference in their own qualities, whether from their own cognition or The adaptation and mastery of new identities, powers, and most of the worms are too wasteful.

Yao Sen nodded solemnly. He had already prepared a draft of this situation in his heart. The mastery of power of low-level abilities is completely different from that of high-level abilities. At the same time, he is fifth in the end of the world. Under the circumstances of the year, the ability of the low-level supernaturalists, their understanding and talents are absolutely rubbish.

It’s extremely difficult to transform the supernatural powers who are incomparably **** in understanding and wisdom into well-trained elites who can quickly master and improve their own strength. Moreover, these supernatural powers must have the talent for the soul, otherwise they will even There is no qualification to conduct a bug experiment.

‘It’s a long way to go! Yao Sen sighed faintly in his heart, and said nothing.

On the light blue light curtain, Zhang Nan, who was barely filling his stomach, went on the road again. The self-blame and guilt in his eyes were less, but he was a bit more confused. Would his sweetheart Xiao He like a monster? ! The answer to this question is absolutely negative. He doesn't want to become a completely dehumanized monster...

but! If you don’t do this, you will not be able to restore the power of this powerful body. For the success of the mission and to treat Xiaohe’s illness, you can only continue to do such disgusting things...Zhang Nan forced himself to brainwash himself. Constantly telling the correctness of his actions, as if this can alleviate some of the strong feelings of guilt in my heart.

‘Tear~hula~his! 'The tough muscles and a thick layer of gray fat were stuffed into Zhang Nan's mouth at the same time. He sipped the delicious food in his mouth with pleasure. The body of the squatting insect was unprecedentedly relaxed, as if he had soaked in a hot spring. Every part of the upper and lower parts is full of lightness and joy.

A few bones that were not too hard were crushed by his intertwined and sharp teeth ‘gaba’, and the bone marrow was chewed hard by him and swallowed into his stomach.

'call--! 'Zhang Nan, who was full and drunk, gracefully wiped the blood on his lips with the shirt on the corpse. It has been three days since he first chewed foreigners. In just three days, he hunted and killed more than two. Each of the hundreds of alien warriors is more than Tier 3 in strength, and there are as many as fifty or more Tier 5 and above.

At this time, Zhang Nan had gone through self-brainwashing and eating again and again, and the strong sense of pleasure that his body conveyed. All of this made him completely sink. What is the use of abiding by his moral bottom line? I have become this kind of person and ghost, do I still need to abide by human morality?

Besides, do foreigners count as humans? It shouldn't be counted, his behavior should be similar to eating beef and mutton... Zhang Nan lying under the canopy of a big tree, muttering to himself in his heart.

People are always so strange. After violating the code of conduct set by themselves, they can always use another reason and reason to break through.

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