Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1569: Wang Mang's Daughter

This kind of emergent monster is just a small means to release energy. All sixth-order abilities possess this ability, but the ability that everyone awakens after being promoted is strange.

It's just that Wang Mang...he actually awakened two abilities! This is simply incredible.

When the aftermath of the promotion faded away, Wang Mang's slightly confused eyes became bright and deep again. He squinted his eyes and chewed on the information coming out of his mind, and a ripple appeared in Gu Jing Wubo's heart leisurely.

These two awakening skills do not belong to him in the strict sense!

The female worm connected to his fate is a Tier 5 peak demon beast, and the ability to transform into a spirit worm belongs to it!

Wang Mang lowered his head and glanced at the palm of his left hand. The pale golden insect pattern was as bright as polished gold at this time. A familiar and unfamiliar throbbing in the insect pattern space made Wang Mang's mouth rise involuntarily.

"Om!" The air suddenly fluctuated, and a cute little boy with a chubby face, slender eyelashes and big eyes blinking and blinking was standing confused on the cold ceramic tile wearing a golden bellyband.

He moved his soft feet, held his thumb, and blinked at Wang Mang ignorantly.

Wang Mang looked at this cute little boy with a fatherly smile. He picked up the chubby little boy and gave him a heavy kiss on his snow-white cheek.

After he finished kissing, his expression suddenly froze, as if thinking of something, he looked at the ignorant and innocent little boy with a little shock.

"Huh! Shouldn't my mother worm be a little girl even if she is transformed? How could she be a little boy?!"

Wang Mang's murmur seemed to have been heard by the ignorant little boy. He held his thumb and blinked, and the lanugo on the top of his head instantly grew more than ten inches, turning into black, beautiful, silky and smooth hair.

His appearance gradually became softer, and a certain part also changed in an instant. He shouldn't be him at this moment, but become her.

"My God!" Wang Mang looked at the little girl he was hugging with a look of stunned expression. He was only shocked, and then he couldn't say half a word...

But when Wang Mang came back to his senses, he seemed to be able to understand the female worm's ability to transform between sexes at will. Maybe the female worm was originally a hermaphroditic creature.

"Dad...Abba... kiss!" The white-faced little girl rubbed Wang Mang's chin with nostalgia, and her babbling voice was even more lovely and crisp.

"Good!" Wang Mang smiled extremely brightly, his mouth almost reaching the corners of his ears. He didn't expect that he and Xiaoying hadn't married yet, and now he even had children.

‘Haha! "Wang Mang kissed the little girl **** the cheek," Huh! The little girl with a silly face seemed to be itchy by the scum, and she couldn't help giggling.

Wang Mang looked at the little girl who was connected with him, his eyes were extremely soft. Since he has become her'father', he should also give her a name.

Wang Mang's brows wrinkled like never before. Compared with his sturdy and brave fighting ability, his aptitude for naming was a heaven and an underground.

If A Mao A Gou just choose a name, but this is his own "girlfriend", can't it be called Gou Zuo, Cui Hua? !

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