Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1570: Three streamers

Wang Mang frowned and sat on the chair for at least a quarter of an hour. He finally squinted his eyes, looked at the little girl softly, and said softly:

"Why don't you... Just call Wang Fei. Plucking Weizhong: I'm thinking about it today, Yuxue Fei. You are so cute, it's just an exaggeration to call it Wang Fei."

Wang Mang murmured with a smile, the expression on his face was as gentle and kind as before, the little girl nodded with her thumb in her hands, she seemed to remember the name that belonged to her.

The corner of Wang Mang's mouth rose slightly, and he couldn't help but look up to the north, as if his eyes could penetrate the distance of time and space, allowing him to see Xiaoying in the northern cold land at a glance.

"Yuxue" I have already stayed by my side, can you feel my miss?

After naming Wang Fei, Wang Mang recovered from his fatherly state.

After his promotion, his body has not been touched, and the changes in his abilities have not yet been experienced, and as he promotes to the sixth rank, it seems that the three ‘partners’ lodged in his body have also been promoted! With a wave of Wang Mang's hand, three different streams of light suddenly appeared.

The first streamer glowed with a glaze-like deep black light. A man in black with a strong figure and a gloomy aura condensed from the black mist, and knelt down on one knee at Wang Mang: "Congratulations, master!"

Wang Mang smiled and nodded, "Congratulations to you too! After being promoted, you can have a larger range of activities!"

Wu Jian shook his head after hearing the words, "Stay in the master's body can also hone the painful qi. In this world, I always feel a kind of imprisonment imposed on the body."

"This world does not allow a special emotional life body like you to appear in the first place, this will naturally suppress you, which sees everything as a dog.

But your range of activities has changed from one kilometer around me to one hundred kilometers. From now on, I can leave many things to you. "

"Yes!" Wu Jian nodded respectfully, and must do his best to share the worries for the master.

Wang Mang turned his gaze to the second streamer, which was the humanoid body of the small centipede after he was promoted to the sixth rank.

He is about seventeen or eighteen years old, his skin is a bit rough, and a layer of black leather armor covers his lower body. And that Chi Guoguo's upper body was covered with strange crisscross patterns.

His appearance is not handsome, and the special black pattern of the horrible scenery extends to his left cheek, giving him a bit of cruel and cruel temperament out of thin air.

"Master!" Little centipede gave Wang Mang a oozing smile, and Wang Mang patted him on the shoulder with great satisfaction.

"It seems that the promotion is very successful, as long as there is a period of adaptation, you can perfectly simulate human behavior."

The little centipede didn't talk much, so he didn't say much when he responded. Wang Mang cast his gaze on the last stream of light. The hot and slim shadow made him a little tangled for a while.

"Hi! Mo Lan, you look so good after you transform."

"Perfunctory!" Mo Lan, wearing a self-cultivating purple robe, rolled her eyes at Wang Mang with a look of disgust, her awe-inspiring anguish, if an ordinary man was in front of her, she would be immediately captured by her beauty. Up.

But who is Wang Mang? ! In this world, he is the one who knows Mo Lan the most, "You are not happy to praise you? How can you still be as hypocritical as before after being transformed?!"

"You! You! Do you know how to Lianxiangxiyu! How can you scold me for such a beautiful girl?"

Mo Lan sullenly slammed Wang Mang's chest with a small pink fist, like an angry little daughter-in-law.

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