Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1572: Award ceremony

The darkness covering the world lasted for five days. When the night of the sixth day ended, the light of dawn re-splashed on this vibrant land.

All the monster beasts, regardless of their rank and temperament, raised their heads and looked at the east one after another, roaring or hissing.

The feast was over, countless monsters entered the belly of their natural enemies, and countless monsters advanced to the ranks as a result.

The list of the strongest humans floating above the stone tablet was also refreshed instantly, with dozens of fresh names appearing on the list of the top 100, but the radiant top still bears the prestige of ‘Wang Mang’.

In this gluttonous feast, Wang Mang has definitely gained more benefits than any one person. He has accumulated a lot in the first place, and many taboos can only show their power after breaking through the sixth rank.

The result of the accumulation is that his throne is more stable in the world, and the combat effectiveness of the sixth-order high-level superpower in the second list is simply not the same level as him.

The number of Huaxia's supernaturalists who have been promoted to Tier 6 exceeds two thousand. This fission is an important turning point after the outbreak of the apocalypse, and it also indicates that the new era has officially entered the middle and late stages.

Countless rash heroes have stepped onto the big stage of the human pyramid, and the weaker human races in the world have gradually risen to prosperity from this.

In a hall full of special restrictions in Gushan City, Wang Mang leaned on a soft leather sofa with Erlang's legs upturned, and his eyes scanned every member of the insect group present.

Anyone who stares at him has a strong enthusiasm from the bottom of his heart to his face.

Those who can stand in this hall are all elite members of each division of the Insect Group, and their strength is the sixth rank last, and the tallest ones have reached the sixth-rank intermediate peak.

The black armored cavalry and the ten captains of the black armored unit stood at the forefront of the crowd. They were Wang Mang's true henchmen, and their strength was also the strongest among all.

In the future, elite squads from various departments, the black-clothed squads of the Shadow Department, the intelligence commissioners of the Intelligence Department, and the wilderness hunters of the Search Department who are good at lurking operations in the mountains and forests also came.

The decision-making department is rather shabby, and no one has been there. After all, they are brainy, and they are a little weaker, which is reasonable.

There are nearly two hundred people in the scattered crowd. As the special dark side of human society, it is not surprising that the worm group possesses this kind of power.

Wang Mang is not only the emperor of the dark side, but also the leader of the human alliance. He has truly achieved above one person and below 10,000 people.

"The hour has come! The honoring ceremony has officially started!" Fu Wendao, who stood beside Wang Mang's sofa, sighed and shouted with all his strength.

The ten captains full of excitement walked up to the high platform a little shyly, Wang Mang also stood up from the sofa, and walked in front of each captain with his cheeks of encouragement.

He patted the shoulder of the last captain and smiled at them and said, "All are good! You have not slackened in your strength over the years. You have all been promoted to Tier 6, I am very pleased!"

"Wow!" Suddenly, there were violent applause from the audience, which lasted for two or three minutes before gradually extinguishing the applause.

As the leader, Wang Mang didn't mean to interrupt them. Instead, he looked at the ten captains with encouragement. The applause was what they deserved for their painstaking efforts over the years.

Under the influence of such an atmosphere, the team leader who had always been calm, his nose was a little sour, and his eyes were slightly red. He bowed solemnly to Wang Mang and bowed to everyone in the audience.

"Thank you, the leader, and thank you all. Over the years, I have grown up with everyone and worked together. I am very happy. I can't give credit for the credit. I only hope to encourage everyone."

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