Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1573: Carnival and high-level meeting

The sincere muttering of the captain of the team made everyone present couldn't help but applaud him again.

A tray covered with red silk cloth neatly placed ten gold medals of extraordinary workmanship and engraved with the worm pattern. Wang Mang patted the team leader on the shoulder and tied the medal to his. The left chest is closest to the heart.

The remaining nine captains also solemnly accepted the award ceremony, "Ten black captains, who have made great contributions to the organization, are awarded the first-class insect emblem gold medal! The bounty is 10 million dragon coins and ten single-family villas!"

The harmony of Fu Wendao's singing made everyone in the hall refreshed. Looking at the ten captains on the stage, their eyes showed excitement and longing, and they were about to step onto the glorious stage.

The awarding ceremony lasted for a long time, nearly two hours. All people had a gold or silver medal on their chests. Except for the ministers of various departments and the members of the organizations who made great contributions, the remaining six The players with rank abilities are also second-class gold medals or third-class silver medals.

To say that the most admirable of all the honorees is an ordinary member of the black team.

His strength is not high, at least not outstanding among all the people present, the strength of the sixth-order low-level can only be regarded as average, but the contribution he has made is remarkable and huge.

He was the man in black who found Zhou Ying's traces in the deep mountains and forests. At the expense of one leg, the organization finally succeeded in capturing Zhou Ying. This credit also earned him a brilliant first-class gold medal.

After the awarding ceremony, the party on behalf of the carnival began. The members of the insect group who had been under great pressure for a period of time were relieved at this moment.

They cheered loudly and indulged in drinking high-quality liquor. In order to avoid them being cautious, Wang Mang did not show up at the party.

In a conference room in the side hall, the senior members of the insect group were seated around a long table.

Wang Mang leaned on the back of the chair leisurely with his fingers in his fingers. When people came, his knuckles were slightly bent, knocked on the thick conference table, and looked at Yao Sen who was sitting on his lower left, "Yao Sen, promoted to six." After the level, what power did you awaken?"

"Return to the leader! After awakening, my control over the flame reached an incredible level.

As long as the air is dry, or even as long as the temperature of the object exists, I can instantly increase its high temperature several times, causing it to spontaneously ignite in an instant. I call this awakening skill: Burning! "

Wang Mang nodded slightly, his expression didn't have much turbulence, he knew that after he was promoted to Tier 6, every supernatural person would awaken a powerful skill.

In addition to the change in the nature of the power, it is this skill that makes their combat effectiveness soar from the beginning of their promotion.

Tier 6 is a watershed, and after crossing it, it will be several times stronger than the original one!

Wang Mang snapped his fingers lightly, and a fist-sized ferocious black worm was condensed on the conference table out of thin air. The black worm carapace was shiny and hard, and a pair of scarlet worm eyes showed almost extreme cruelty.

It licked its sharp mouthparts and stared at Yao Sen who was sitting upright, and its undisguised killing intent suddenly overflowed.

Wang Mang dipped his smoke at Yao Sen and raised his head, "Yao Sen, I will practice your hand, control the scope of the use of his abilities, and get the flames everywhere!"

Yao Sen nodded in shock, he could clearly feel the terrifying energy contained in the black bug, but the power savings contained in a bug was almost the same as that of a Tier 6 ability player. It seems that the leader 'S combat power has reached a point where you need to look up.

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