Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1574: Too little pressure

"Heh~hhhhh!" The fist-sized black monster furiously erected its slender tentacles, its hideous mouthparts protruding violently, and a pair of fierce little eyes staring straight at Yao Ping.

Yao Ping looked at the weird bug on the conference table and took a deep breath.

A cluster of orange flames suddenly emerged from the center of his eyebrows, covering his whole body like lightning. The original black and white eyes suddenly opened, and the whites of the pupils and eyes merged into one body, turning into two pale lines. Purple stream flames.

"Stab!" The blast of flames scorched the air, and the intense high temperature caused Yao Ping's whole body to blow up a scorching wave.

The carapace on the back of the black worm suddenly opened, and the three pairs of thin wings instantly resonated and pierced towards Yao Ping's throat at an extremely powerful speed.

The sharpest mouthparts with the highest body hardness are enough to tear the skin of all abilities, no one can be an exception!

Yao Ping squinted two lavender flames, and an orange-red high-temperature fire wall appeared out of thin air, blocking the stabbing strange insects. The strange insects with a pair of blood red insect eyes blasted, and the body with big fists turned. Almost half of it melted instantly!

The strange insect flapped its thin wings, staggered against the wall, and landed on the corner of the wall with a clatter, looking half-dead.

Yao Ping was like a flame monster at this time. Every step of the orange flames around his body, the air made a sharp and piercing blast. The corners of his purple "eyes" once again diffracted two slender tail flames, step by step towards The weird worm walked away.

Wang Mang leaned halfway on the chair, his mouth raised, and a slight smile appeared on his face. When Yao Ping walked to the corner and the flame on his left foot turned into the hottest purple, the strange insect suddenly violent.

It has three pairs of thin wings with a body that is twice as small as the original, and the speed is comparable to lightning. Yao Ping only shrank his pupils, and his heart seemed to be severely pulled, and there was a palpitation.

The body often reacted faster than consciousness. The moment his chest and abdomen were stabbed by a strange bug, the flame coat that covered his body suddenly got out of control, and the purple flames enveloped his body like a tornado vortex.

With a loud bang, this black monster has the characteristics of a fire locust, and it exploded directly! Of course, under the flame vortex surrounding Yao Ping, its power and aftermath were reduced to a minimum, and disappeared instantly.

The whirlpool disappeared, Yao Ping gasped heavily, and the flame coat on his body was exploded into a slowly healed gap in his chest.

The exposed skin was slightly red, not like broken skin, but as if it was accidentally scratched by something.

Wang Mang smiled and applauded when he looked at Yao Ping’s appearance, "That’s not bad, Yao Ping, I thought you were going to get some injuries in the final explosion. I didn’t expect that you didn’t even break your skin, you fire power. The characteristics are really powerful."

Yao Ping panted heavily, and the flames on his body slowly disappeared. He grinned and shook his head somewhat ashamed. "Boss, my strength is still too lacking. When I first resisted the monster, I just There is a chance to fight back..."

Wang Mang nodded slightly, agreeing with Yao Ping's statement. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and threw one to Yao Ping.

‘Bah! He didn't see him using his own flame, just holding it in his mouth, Yao Ping lit the cigarette out of thin air, and let out a smoke ring leisurely. Wang Mang glanced at him diagonally, wondering if the pressure on him was too small, and he should have used two weird worms in the trial just now.

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