Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1575: Zhang Nan

When the whole world was celebrating the end of this wonderful fission, Zhang Nan, who was in the secret realm, crouched alone behind a rugged rock.

His extremely streamlined body and explosive muscles make him look like the most outstanding hunter in nature, and all creatures are his easy prey.

A tightly formed and vigilant team of aliens escorted three carriages, slowly walking through the forest path in front of the rugged rocks, and the one led was at the forefront of the team.

He opened a pair of dead fish eyes, and a squalid scar on his left cheek looked like a disgusting bug. He shook his head and walked, with two rows of black and yellowed teeth in his mouth chewing **** a black herb. You can smell the pungent smell of the herb from three to five meters away.

Looking at the approaching team, Zhang Nan deliberately lowered his center of gravity. All his limbs were tightly lying on the rocks. A pair of scarlet compound eyes were carefully peeping at them through the gaps in the rocks.

"Twelve fifth-tier peaks...a sixth-tier strong?!" Zhang Nan licked his lips excitedly, and the hard five fingers couldn't help but move together.

This slaughter game should be over now. He has been in this secret realm for eight days, and as early as yesterday, he had completed the number of slaughters accounted for by the mission.

But the insect group has not sent anyone to contact him yet, is it to let him continue? !

A cold light flashed in Zhang Nan's eyes, and the blazing blood light suddenly lit up. If this is the case, continue to kill. When the only remaining strangers are killed, this task can be regarded as an excellent completion.

Thinking of this, Zhang Nan's strong and thick legs like a spring slammed up with strength, and the whole person was like a violent beast rushing towards the team!

"Heh! I knew that this person, ghost, or ghost is coming!" The scared man chewing on the black herb spit out disgusting thick sputum mockingly, and stared at Zhang Nan as he threw in disdain.

‘Huh~huh! With a panting sound like a beast, he, who was 100 meters apart, leaped in front of everyone with a few leaps.

‘Om! The sharp bone knife suddenly came out of its sheath, and the powerful right arm carried the extremely sharp bone knife into the scar man's throat viciously.

The violent impact caused the air to tremble and whine, but the scared man still grinned unchangingly, and his black and yellow teeth were exposed.

‘Zheng! ! The collision sound of gold and iron struck suddenly, and the bone knife carrying the power of thunder pierced the scar man’s throat straight.....

It's just..... The skin on his throat looks like a layer of fine iron, and the surface is only slightly sunken, without even a trace of blood coming out.

Just such a layer of skin! Easily resisted Zhang Nan's full-strength knife, this heavy lifting method, it is no wonder that he looked contemptuous of Zhang Nan.

"A disgusting beast, relying on his own brute force to know that the sky is thick?! It's ridiculous!"

The scar man sneered, and suddenly grabbed Zhang Nan's bone knife with one hand, ‘click~click! The piercing sound continued, and the cracks on the bone knife gradually increased in density until it collapsed.

'collapse! ’The moment the bone knife collapsed, the sneer on Scar's face turned into complete madness.

His muscled right hand hit Zhang Nan's jaw at lightning speed, and the hard exoskeleton under this punch did not appear to be that strong and reliable.

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